Chapter 39

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Chris's POV

Was I shocked? No. This is now the second time Syd has canceled on me. The first time she was supposed to come visit, a shoot got rescheduled. Okay, fine. I could accept that. That's out of her control, and work comes first. I get it. But this second time?? I didn't quite appreciate her lying to me and saying she couldn't make it because of work... only to be seen out and about with some guy from a boy band with a stupid haircut.

"What the hell kind of name for a band is One Direction?" Robert scoffed, reading over one of the very articles I woke up to this morning. "Lizzie, what do you know about this Zayn Malik guy?" Robert said, looking at a very uncomfortable Lizzie.

"Umm, he's British?" she mumbled and glanced at me. "He looks like a player. I can't believe my daughter is dating this tool. You know, I called Sarah, and she told me they have been seeing each other for a bit... he even came to see her in Paris. I can't believe she didn't tell me." Robert scoffed.

And that right there made my blood boil. It wasn't him with her in Paris. It was me. She was MY girlfriend, not his.

"Okay, well, I've gotta go," Lizzie said and quickly ran away.

"I'm gonna go to my trailer," I said, making any excuse to go after Lizzie. Robert only waved me off, not caring and far more concerned with the articles titled 'EXCLUSIVE: Is Sydney Downey Dating Bad Boy Zayn' or whatever the fuck his name was.

"I swear to you, I know nothing about those photos," Lizzie said, watching me closely as I walked into her trailer.


"I'm not lying to you, Chris. All I know is that after the concert they went out with the band." Lizzie shrugged.

"She told me she couldn't make it to Atlanta after the concert because of work..." I trailed off.

"And she probably did have to work. These are at night... look. Call your girlfriend."

"Yeah. I think I will." I pulled out my phone but immediately saw a text from Sydney.

It's not what it looks like

What does it look like, Syd?

That I blew you off to go out
and party in Vegas

Glad you're self aware

Look, I'll be in Atlanta tonight

I looked up and saw Lizzie staring at me. "What?" I asked her.

"That her?"

"Yeah. She's apparently on her way here." I sighed. I had a gut feeling this conversation wasn't going to go well. Not with the thoughts I'd been having. They only got worse a few days after I returned from Paris.

"It's probably nothing, Chris. Don't blow it out of proportion..."

"Of course you'd say that. You're her best friend," I snapped. "But I'm your friend too... and I love you two together. So just, hear her out. And if it is the worst-case scenario... I'll yell at her for you." I gave her a side smile and made my way out of the trailer and met up with the Russo's to go over a few scenes. That took a few hours and took my mind off everything.

We discussed a few scenes and what we might want to reshoot, but for the most part... things were really looking good for the movie. I was glad they were directing. They really understood the characters and especially Steve, which made working with them a delight.

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