✧ Part 1

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An's pov:

Prof- Everyone please submit your homework in 10 minutes....

He ordered all the students present in the classroom....

Everyone started submitting one by one except two students....Who were sitting in the back bench, looking here and there nervously....

Prof started counting and frowned as there was lack of two homeworks...

He glared at everyone and spoke...

Prof- Those two who didn't submit, please stand up by yourself politely Before i find out on my own...

Those two students gulped in fear..They know they're getting punishment or detention or may be something more than that...

??- Yahh why didn't you tell me about the homework ?? I didn't come that day

One of them whispered...

??- I'm sorry Yn..i myself forgot..so how could I tell you...?

Yn looked at her in disbelief...Even though she's not interested in homeworks that much...But this is Mr Lee's homework..who is indeed a monster...

Prof- Enough of all drama..YN & ROSE!!..I know you two ...Stand up...

He demanded coldly...

They stole some glances from eachother before standing up....

Prof Lee was looking at the duo furiously...There was only silence...

Yn- I-I

Yn was about to apologise but cutted off by Prof...

Prof- It's okay Miss Yn...No need to explain..I won't give you two neither any punishment nor any detention...

He said before leaving the class..Yn was dumbfounded when Rose squealed in Happiness.. Everyone just widened their because it was so odd of him...

But deep inside Yn knew
"Something big is coming for them"......


After the tiring day, ofc after fighting the whole day with studies, Yn came back home being all exhausted...It's 4:13 pm...

Entering the house, she went towards the couch in the living room and reclined on the couch....

Out of nowhere, Her mother, Eun came and spoke mockingly...

Eun- Oh ma'am is back...Looks like you're coming after attending a lot of meetings at your office...

Yn rolled her eyes before getting up from the couch and was about to walk away as she knows if she stays more longer, her mother will taunt her more..

Her steps halted when Eun spoke again...

Eun- We're going to a get-together with your father's business partners and friends..so get ready at 6...

Yn got excited but didn't show it...She nodded at her mother before asking...

Yn- Oppa is going too ??

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