✧ Part 12

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I don't know what m i writing....But bear it and comment down....Hahhhhhhhah



Taehyung was quite surprised as Yn kept giving bold answers...It was totally a new side of her, he was witnessing...

Tae- You-u

Yn- Don't talk!

Tae- Bu-

Yn- Can i hug you ? Can i please hug you for once ?? *pleading tone*

Taehyung looked at her eyes which had some tears...Even though she was talking boldly and pretending to be a tough person...But deep inside, she was feeling pain in her heart...She was also hurt because she had to see him in that condition...

Yn- Pleaseee....??? *puppy eyes*

Tae- Okay ?

He replied unsurely....He just couldn't protest anymore...Yn smiled widely in tears and sat beside him on the bed and wrapped her arms around his neck burying her face in the crook of his neck...He took a few moments but eventually hugged her back...He hugged her with his left hand and rubbed her back a little...He could sense how worried she was about Taehyung....

They stayed like that for some minutes but suddenly a sob escaped from Yn...She was trying her best not to make any sobbing sounds but she failed...

Taehyung felt bad as this is the least thing he wanted to see...He never wanted to see her cry because of him...He doesn't want her to be worried about him and his life....But little did he know he has become Yn's Life now.....

But someone entered the room at the exact moment....

Jk- Ughhh....Sorry, wrong time....

Jungkook said covering his eyes with one of his palm making them separated...Yn got off the bed amd sat on the stool beside Taehyung...

Taehyung cleared his throat looking here and there as he felt embarrassed....

On the other hand, Yn looked at Jungkook's direction being pissed off....

Yn in mind: This stupid ass had to ruin this moment!

Jk- Yn, here's your coffee....And after having it, you go home and take some rest...

Yn- No, I'm okay here...*coldly*

Jk- It's going to be Morning...I think you should take some rest...You must be feeling tired after giving him blood...

Yn glared at him...Jungkook tried his best to look serious, not to burst into laughter...

Tae- Wait, she gave blood to whom ??

Jk- *sighed* Me ? Because I had accident right ?

Jungkook said dramatically making Taehyung roll his eyes....

Tae- Aren't you talking to much these days !?

Jk- Why ? ONLY you hav-

Yn- SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!*shouted*

They both shut their mouth and looked at her angry face....

Yn- You, Mr Kim FREAKING Taehyung, don't talk too much....You haven't recovered yet...Take rest quietly....And You- dumbass, you also don't talk and go bring something for him to eat!

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