✧ Part 8

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Yn- AHHHHH...!!

Looking behind, Taehyung widened his eyes seeing Yn there, while standing with holding her forehead...His face changed into a soft and worried one...He rushed towards Yn before holding her shoulder... Blood was gushing out from her forehead...An instant guilt rushed through his veins...

Tae- Yn...

He made her sit on the bed and fetched the first-aid kid...He sat beside her & started cleaning the blood...His eyes got teary seeing her hissing in pain..And it's all happened just because of him...

Yn- aah

Tae- I'm sor-ry yn-nah...

He spoke in a cracked..Yn could clearly sense he was in the verge of breaking down...Taehyung was upset and angry at the same time just because of his father...But he unintentionally hurted an innocent...

He cleaned the wound and put ointment before sticking the bandage on the wound...Yn looked at his eyes whiches were teary...

Yn- Why are you crying ? Stop it!

Tae- I'm sorry i didn't mean to hurt you..i was angry...still it was my fault...i should have been aware about my surroundings...I'm sorry Ynnah...!!

Saying the last sentence, he hugged her out of blue making her frozen at the spot...Her heart was racing due to the sudden sensation in her whole body...She was too shocked to react but eventually wrapped her arms around his back...She realised he was crying..And it was really hard for her to see him like that...She broke the hug and wiped his tears with her hand before making him face her...

Yn- Tae, I'm okayy! Please don't cry...it was just an accident!

She spoke breaking the hug and looking into his eyes....Taehyung nodded sadly...

Yn- But why were you breaking things ? Why were you so angry ?

Tae- It's all because of that man, Mr Kim..

Yn- Mr Kim ? You mean your fath- *cut by him*

Tae- No he's not my father...I don't consider him...!!

Yn- Why ? Why do you hate him !?

Taehyung felt his heart too heavy...He couldn't bear this all without sharing with anyone...so he decided to tell her...He took a breath before speaking...

Tae- Mr Kim cheated on my mom with that woman...With Jungkook's mother... Jungkook's was only 4 back then...and I don't hate him...He had no fault...After being an adult, Jungkook also started hating her...But it wasn't that much for him...Because Jungkook's parents were about to get divorced that time...But my mother just couldn't take the pain...She couldn't accept the fact , the person she loved and trusted the most, had cheated on her...And not being able to bear all these, she just took her life...and left me all alone...Later those fucking people got married also had a daughter after years...I never mentioned but she's Kim Jennie...My step sister... She's living in London...And i have no grudges on her either...It's just everyone is happy...But my mom isn't here...She died because of him...!! I just hate him...!!

Taehyung broke down into tears...Yn felt so bad hearing all this and also seeing him in that state...She felt he has been going through the pain more than her...She hugged him trying to comfort him...He hugged her back in a sec...He snuggled his face in the crook of her neck...She felt goosebumps but still stayed at the same position...On the other hand, he felt comfort in her embrace...

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