Chapter one - Still happily together

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Patroclus' POV

If someone ever told me I'd have conversations with people born centuries after I died, I would definately think that they're joking. Apparently, it is possible in the underworld, which has now turned into a more modern version of the one we entered into a thousand years ago. Today was the anniversary of the day that Achilles died, so we all gathered together and spent the day honoring his memory, while he kept being shy about it. When the small ceremony was over, we all headed to our houses - yes, we now ''live'' in houses- and went to rest. Achilles and I lied down, not saying anything.

- You know, he said, it's surreal to think that I've loved you for more than 1000 years.

- My darling, I said, but that's what you say every time.

- But it's the truth, he said. After all this time, I still feel the same way I did when I realised I love you and, since then, my feelings for you have only grown and I grew with them.

- That's the most beautiful thing you've ever said to me, I said.

- Every year, I get to come up with another cliche, he said laughing.

- And every year I still find whatever you tell me the most beautiful thing ever, I said jokingly. Seriously, how did we make it this far?

- Did you ever think we won't make it this far?

- I would never, I said. It's just that sometimes I think that we can't possibly know when forever is going to end and that's sad because I've sworn to love you forever and I don't get to know how much time I have left to love you will all my soul.

- Listen, Patroclus, he said softly, don't fill up your mind with those kind of thoughts, I'll always be with you no matter how long forever is. Even if we stop existing completely, even if we disappear, even if we vanish from everyone's memories, I'll always love you. I'll never stop loving you.

- I know that, I said smiling, I love you too. 

- Do I get a kiss?

- Of course, I said, come here.

He kissed me softly on the lips while hugging my waist. He threw me in bed and got on top of me.

- Sorry, he said, I got carried away. Can we...

- Yes, I said. I can't believe you're so shy about it even a thousand years later.

- Deep down, I am still that same boy you kissed all those years ago. Do you want to talk instead? I feel a little tired now.

- Okay, I said. I know you still feel like that little boy, I said running my fingers in his abs, but you're a strong, wise, beautiful and caring man who is looking like a 25 year old in his thousand year of being dead.

- Same goes to you, he said jokingly. Remember when we first made love? We were almost 16, he said.

- I remember, I said. I remember that we went to sleep and you suddently kissed me. I must say, you took me by surprise. 

- I really did surprise my own self, he said  laughing. I didn't even know what I was supposed to do, we ended up naked and I was thinking where I was supposed to go from there.

- Like I knew what I was doing, I said. I just followed my gut feeling.

- I remember it so well, he said laughing. But hey, nothing beats that time.

- I know, I said. It our most special memory. Let's thank Zeus you still have your semigod  features.

- You too, he said, my love, are surprisingly talented in this field.

-  I try my best, I said laughing. But does that mean I got no other talents?

- Well, he said, you weren't the best warrior, you almost burned our food multiple times, you forgot my son at the market twice and you destroyed my clothes.

- First of all, I only forgot Neoptolemus at the market once! I also didn't burn the food and your clothes were too old anyway!

- So you agree that you weren't the best warrior, he said teasingly.

- Please, I said, I have other talents.

- Such as?

- I give good relationship advice! Didn't I help Neoptolemus and Briseis when they got into a fight about him spending too much time with his friends?

- That was like sixty years ago, he said.

- Still, it counts, I said. 

- Fair enough, he said defeated. Should we sleep now? It's getting late.

- Sure, I said. Goodnight, my Prince.

- Goodnight, my love.

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