Jail Cell

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Justin continued complaining about chest pain, and my mother decided it would be smart to take him to the hospital. "Help, help!" Justin said trying to catch his breath. My mom was performing CPR to try, and relieve his pain, but it simply wasn't working. Almost all of his security was in the room, and Kenny was calling 911. "Justin, are you alright?" I was screaming, and the rest of my friends in shock, or simply crying.

The ambulance arrived at the venue in less than a minute, because it was only a block away. My mom was next to Justin the whole time, she was even permitted to go on the ambulance because she was a doctor, and worked in that hospital.

"What had happened to my poor baby" I quietly said to myself. My friends, and I ran to the emergency room as quickly as possible. I had so many mixed emotions, I was happy because I ha meet Justin, but sad because all of this happened, and also worried that something bad would happen.

We quickly got to the hospital. "Excuse me, um do you know where Justin Bieber's room is?" I curiously asked. "Haha, wow Bieber news sure does travel fast, he was just admitted less than a minute ago. Yes I do know where it is, but you don't, and it's gonna stay that way." The rude nurse said, irritating me. "No, you don't understand, my mother works here, and she was with him, I just want to see to my mom!" I blurted out. "Yeah alright kid, go sit over there, and I'll tell you where his room is when he's not in it!" The nurse shouted, making me want to slap her, and throw her across the room. I remembered that my mom's phone had a tracking device, and all I needed to do was call AT&T so they could activate it.

"Hello, Mary Anderson speaking how may I help you?" A young lady said from the other line. "Sorry to bother you this late, but is it possible for you to activate my mothers tracing device on her phone?" I asked. "Yes, just give me her name, and number." "Yes it's Sara Foster, and the number is 311-994-2090." I said quickly. "Thank you, your mothers tracking device has been activated, now you just turn on a phone under the same bill, go to setting, and a new app will be there, you just click on it, and it will give you directions!" She informatively said. "Thank you so much!" I gratefully yelled.

Now we could find my mom. My phone quickly took me to the room in which my mother was in, and she was sitting next to Justin counting his pulse. I asked her what happened, and she worriedly replied. "Um, Justin was poisoned!".

"Wait, what did you just say?" Maria came out of nowhere. "Yes. It's true!" My mom replied. "By whom?" I rapidly question my mother. "Well, honey..." My mom starts to choke up. "You!" She manages to say. "What?" I say puzzled. "Yes, you did it and as soon as security sees you there going. To arrest you." My mom pulled me in for a hug, and starts to sob.

We heard Justin moving, and he had woken up, I looked at the time, and it took us about an hour to find my mom, so it wasn't fast at all, and we had been talking for a while now. My mom explained that Justin could wake up any second because they had made it to the hospital in time for the treatment to work quickly.

Soon I hear someone calling my name "Emma, Emma come here!" It was Justin. I walked over to his bed, and looked right into his eyes. He smiled at me, and said he was happy to see me! That smile literally completed my world, it was like staring into heaven, and his eyes, his chocolate brown eyes. Very delicate, and soft, ones that you could just look into, and melt.

I was happy to see he was doing fine, and we talked for about half an hour. It was mostly my friends, and I doing the talking, Justin would respond with a soirt answer, or a simple nod. But then came Justin's security.

They started yelling at me, telling me I was under arrest, and a few police officers walked in telling me to put my hands behind my back, and that anything I said could be held against me. "No, what did she do, don't take her away!" I heard Justin exclaim. But it was no use I was gone.

I though to myself how everything in your life could change so easily, and how your never safe. I though about how I would spend the rest of my life in prison, and be labeled the one who tried to kill JUSTIN BIEBER, even though I hadn't, and I never had intentions of ever hurting him.

I spent the night in a cell, and my family came, and visited me as soon as the visiting doors were open. I Hugged my family through the cell, and began to sob. Not being able to control myself. I asked my mom how Justin was, and she said he was fine. He was going to be in the hospital for three days under intense treatment to get the poison completely out of him, but that she wasn't aloud to go and visit him because she was the accused "murderer's" daughter even though he wasn't killed! Thank God he wasn't. But she did manage to say that he gave her his number. My mom gave it to me, and when they left I repeated that number so many times that I could never forget it. I asked the police guy if I could get my one call because everyone was aloud to call one person. They let me call someone, and clearly I chose Justin. Hopefully he would pick up.

The phone rang three times before I heard a soft "hello" on the other side of the line. I immediately broke down as Justin asked who was on the other line. "It's Emma" I nervously answered. "Emma, oh my gosh, I was hoping your mom gave you the number so you could call. How are you doing, is everything alright?" Justin asked all worried. "Yes, I'm fine, but more importantly how are you feeling?" "I'm fine, actually I'm getting out early, I'll be leaving tonight. But I can't believe you got arrested! I want to know something. Did you really do this to me, and please be honest, if you did it just hang up." "No, of course I didn't, I would never want to hurt you Justin. You were the one who inspired me to pursue my dreams, and that you can't give up. I would never harm you in any shape or form!" I honestly replied "I don't know why Emma, but I believe you, and I'm going to do everything it takes to help y..." Time was up, the police had only given me ten minutes to talk, but those were the ten minutes I needed.

Why did he believe me, I kept asking myself? It didn't make any sense I had just meet him.

A rude police officer approached me, grabbed my arm, and through me into another cell. It had three other men in there. "Wait, you can't put me in here there are other people in here, and there men!" I screamed at the police officer. " Well I know Justin Bieber isn't my favorite person in the world, but attempted murder is still against the law so you'll just have to deal with it babe!" The officer yelled. I spat in his face. "Don't you dare, ever talk to me like that, do you understand." I exclaimed. The officer chuckled as he left.

The second he left the other three men were looking at me as if they hadn't seen a woman in thirty years. They all started to come towards me, and I yelled at the top of my lungs "you come near me and your screwed!" They all laughed, and I walked directly at one, and kick him so hard in the groin he started to cry. I yelled at the other two, and asked if they wanted the same to happen to them.

They did not bother me for the rest if the day, and I feel asleep. The next day my parents come, and see me in the cell with the other guys, and start to complain to the police how they were so heartless to put an eighteen year old girl with a bunch of dirty men, and they placed me in another cell.

After my parents left I got really bored. I started to sing on my ratty old bed, as I heard some footsteps. And a voice that was all to familiar complementing my voice.


Thanks for everyone who is reading! I really appreciate it!!! Sorry for any mistakes. VOTE, COMENT, SHARE!!!! XOXOXO

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