Yes he is more than a bodyguard!

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I walked downstairs, and was suddenly grabbed gently by Dylan.

"What's wrong?" I say confused.

"You never answered me. Will you be my girlfriend?" Dylan said nervously.

"Hmm, I'll have to think about it." Dylan gave me the most disappointed look. "But I'm pretty sure the answer is yes!" He smiled brightly and in one swift movement turned me around and planted his soft lips on mine. I was in complete shock so at first I didn't respond to the kiss, but after a few seconds I caught on and started kissing back. We were both smiling into the kiss until I heard a grunt like noise, but it was more like someone had cleared their throat. I then heard my father say "Emma?" And I stumbled backward very awkwardly holding on to the stair cases railing.

"Yes, dad?"

"What exactly do you think your doing?" He asked with a hint of anger in his tone.

"Um, I was, I was j-just headed downstairs, nothing more."

"Ah, ok." That's it, nothing else. I heard my mother call me once again, and as I began walking downstairs my dad whispered in my ear "we'll talk about this later."

"What mom?" I said a bit angry and frustrated with my dad.

"I just wanted to apologize for this morning, I was just really tired. And why so angry?" She asked.

"That's fine, and its dad he's being so annoying like I'm eighteen now not twelve."

"What are you talking about honey?"

"Well me and Dylan are dating now, and-"

"Wait, what? Did I hear that right?"

"Yeah, we are and we had just made it official and he kissed me right when dad was coming up the stairs. He looked at my strangely and then said we would talk about it later."

"Hon, you know how overprotective your father has always been, he'll get over it just let it pass. I'll also talk to him for you."


"Now about you and Dylan. Last night I got up and went to check on you an your sister. I noticed Dylan was in bed with you. Did you guys-"

"No, no, oh god no mom I would never. I was just really scared because of the texts I've been receiving and asked if he could sleep in my room."

"Oh, ok you got me worried there sweaty."

"No mom I wouldn't do that, especially not in our house."

"Well I'm glad to hear that!"

I lightly chuckled at her remark and excused myself. My stress had gone down significantly because my mom would handle my dad.

I scurried on upstairs in pursuit to find my boyfriend and found him lounging on his bed.

"So sleeping on the job?"

"Oh sorry Emma I didn't mean to."

I laughed. "It's ok Dyl I was just joking."



"I see."


"So what do you want to do tonight?" Dylan asked.

I blushed really noticeably and recommended a movie.

"What movie?" Dylan asked.

"It's, it's a good movie, one of my favorites actually."

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