noticed ; moon taeil

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nct taeil x reader
reader pronouns : they/he
warnings : none
desc : where taeil admires one of his background dancers.
( a/n ) i wrote this on a plane while listening to nct and thinking about how taeil deserves more attention so here u go enjoy


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"taeil, taeil!!"

taeil turned quickly to see his groupmate running after him, the male's gym bag bouncing against his hip as he ran.

"taeyong? is something wrong?" he asked with furrowed brows. taeyong shook his head.

"no no! i wanted to see if you wanted to go get food with me and a few of the others," he said. taeil smiled at the invitation.

"i would, but i have to go practice the new choreography for my solo project!" he answered excitedly. taeyong's mouth formed an 'o' shape as he realized he'd forgotten.

"oh, right right! see you later then, have fun!"

taeil smiled and waved as taeyong rushed back toward the exit to meet some of the other members. he began heading toward the practice room that was reserved for him for the next couple hours, very excited. he'd been working for a while on a solo single, and was very ready to master the choreography.

as he approached the room, he saw one of his four background dancers was already there, who he'd learned was named y/n. his heart instantly sped up at the sight.

"god, he's so pretty," he whispered to himself as he watched them do a couple short warm up moves.


taeil jumped at the sudden voice coming up from behind him, seeing haechan and chenle walking with their dance bags.

"who is it??!" chenle said loudly as he looked over taeil's shoulder and into the practice room. taeil blushed, trying to shrug him off.

"no one! what're you guys doing here?" he asked, now a bit nervous.

"it's not no one!! taeil's crush can't be a no one," haechan teased with a wide smile.

"we have dream practice," chenle said, answering the male's question while haechan nodded in confirmation.

"oh okay. run along then, children." taeil said as he shooed them with his hands. chenle laughed lightly as haechan made kissy noises toward him.

"taeil has a crush, taeil has a crush!.." haechan repeated until his voice got lost in the distance as chenle pulled him away, leaving a flustered taeil alone again.

he sighed and finally pushed the door open, making the person inside quickly stop dancing and turn to see him.

"ah, hello!" they said cheerfully with a bow. taeil returned the gesture as his smile widened.

"the other dancers should be here soon, i was just getting ready."

taeil nodded as he put his things down in a corner and took a quick swig of water.

"do you wanna run through the choreo while we wait? i just had some practice with 127 so i'm still pretty warmed up," taeil asked. y/n's face lit up, making the other chuckle at his enthusiasm.

"sure, yeah!"

the two took their places as y/n held the remote and pressed play before tossing it aside. the moves started off slow and built up energy to the chorus. taeil focused mostly on himself, but couldn't help letting his eyes dart toward y/n a few times. he had a very fluid style of dance that taeil loved to watch.

after the song had finished, y/n couldn't stop smiling and he felt a bit silly for it. taeil took another sip of his water and noticed that the other was hiding their face.

"are you alright?" he asked, setting his water down and going closer to them.

"yes!.. sorry, i'm just really flustered around you."

taeil's stomach erupted with butterflies at this. he smiled from the flattery.

"no need to be flustered. you're an amazing dancer, i've noticed you a lot," he said sweetly. y/n's ears became a bright red as his smile grew ear to ear.

"you've noticed me?"

taeil looked at him, realizing that probably sounded a bit weird.

"um, yeah.. like, in some music videos and you've done stage performances with other artists right?" he asked, now nervous. y/n nodded happily.

"yeah i have.. that's just really.. i dunno, dancing is basically my whole life so it means a lot that you think of my dancing well," a blush coated their cheeks again as their words left their mouth. taeil smiled, an idea popping into his head. he hesitated, but went with it.

"..we can practice together more often if you like. even to do dance covers or something," he suggested. y/n nodded quickly at the idea.

"that sounds cool, sure!"

taeil nodded and turned around as he tried to hide his smile. after thinking for another moment, he quickly turned around again.

"um, y/n?"

the other looked at him again with raised brows.

"do you maybe, uh.. wanna go get something to eat with me after practice?" he asked. y/n just looked at him, almost speechless.


taeil let out a small snicker at the response before nodding. y/n smiled again.

"i'd love to."

cosmos ( kpop x nonbinary reader ) Where stories live. Discover now