you & i ; yang jungwon

417 14 0

enhypen jungwon x reader
reader pronouns : they/them
warnings : light swearing, small angst to fluff
desc : where jungwon is unhappy with the amount of affection shown toward his partner from his group members
* requested


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jungwon shoved his shoes off tiredly at the dorm's front door, riki following suit. their hands were occupied with bags of the group's dinner as they went into the common room to see the rest of their members with another person now joined.

jungwon's partner sat cheering with the others as they all watched jay and heeseung's race of mario kart on the large tv. the idol smiled at the sight of y/n's presence. he invited them to come over for dinner just an hour ago and hadn't expected them to get to the dorms so fast.

jungwon and riki set the few bags down on the tables, the youngest's eyes instantly going to the ongoing race. jungwon's view, however, went to y/n. his smile dropped upon seeing sunghoon clinging to their shoulder in anticipation. it was the last round of the race, and both of them were ready to see who would win. but frankly, jungwon couldn't care less about why his groupmate was glued to his partner's side. he didn't like it regardless of the reason.

"yes! pay up, loser," heeseung gloated as he tossed his controller aside and laid his hand out. jay rolled his eyes at the defeat, pulling a few bills from his pocket to hand to him. he flopped down on the other side of y/n with a small pout, dramatically laying his head on their lap to fake a cry.

"oh, food's here! thanks, guys!" sunghoon beamed as he let go of y/n and stood up with the rest of them to begin setting out their meals. jungwon gave sunghoon a broken smile, trying to remind himself that he didn't actually hate him. his eyes shifted back to y/n, who was now standing up.

"hi, babe!" y/n greeted him happily. jungwon only smiled a hello and pulled them closer by the waist to kiss them deeply.

the others looked up at their leader in disgust.

"okay, we get it, you're in love. no need to rub it in," heeseung joked as he opened his box of food. a few snickers came from the others while the couple finally pulled apart. y/n was a bit taken back by the sudden kiss, but assumed maybe their boyfriend just missed them.

the boys could tell jungwon was overprotective and a bit jealous. jake in particular found it amusing how jealous the leader could become over even a friendly, platonic gesture from one of the members, and he had to admit that he liked to mess with the male.

jake watched the couple sit down with the rest of them, digging into their dinner. with him now on one side of y/n and jungwon on the other, an idea popped into his head.

he gripped onto some food with his chopsticks, bringing it closer to y/n. their eyes brightened as they opened their mouth to let jake feed them. jake could see in his peripheral vision that jungwon was practically shooting daggers at him, but he paid it no mind to continue teasing him. y/n, however, was completely oblivious.

jungwon took a deep breath and decided to try and focus on his food. he knew y/n didn't mean any harm, but he couldn't ignore the feeling in his chest that screamed to get them away from the others.

after finishing their meals, the group and their plus one decided on staying up for a movie night as they had a day off tomorrow. after jungwon pressed play on their chosen movie, he went back to y/n's side to get comfortable with the others. he laid his arm around y/n's shoulder, stroking their hair lovingly while the other rested their head against him.

after only five minutes into the movie, jake was already back to his teasing. while jungwon continued to play with y/n's hair, jake sat closely beside y/n and fed them pieces of candy from a small box that was sitting nearby. jungwon gave his groupmate a couple side eyes as he tensed up, but told himself to keep ignoring the actions.

he managed to remain focused on the movie for a few more minutes, but it was when jake lifted his leg to lay it on y/n's lap that jungwon finally snapped.

"i need some air," he mumbled under his breath as he rushed to stand up and get outside. y/n quickly sat up with a frown, able to see he was upset now. once the door shut behind their boyfriend, y/n looked around at the others in confusion.

"look what you did now, jake," jay said, his tone somewhere between amused and cross. jake clicked his tongue.

"he's fun to tease, he'll be okay."

y/n looked between them, still confused.

"did i miss something?" they questioned. jake moved his leg from their lap to sit up with them.

"jungwon just gets jealous easily, that's all."

realization struck y/n now, feeling a bit dense. they sighed and stood up to follow their partner outside.

they found jungwon sitting alone on the steps that led up to the door, tossing a few stray pebbles that were scattered around. they sat beside him in silence for a moment as they were unsure of what exactly to say.

"..are you okay?"

no answer. y/n felt anxiety fill their body.

"jungwon, please talk to me."

jungwon took a deep breath as he looked down, deciding to finally speak.

"do you remember that day we spent together a couple months ago? it was raining all day but we still wanted to do something so we went outside and played in the rain? we laid in puddles and caught rain drops with our tongues and then had our first kiss.."

y/n smiled at the memory and nodded. jungwon's voice was laced with nostalgic happiness while the corner of his lips curved into a small grin.

"i'd never forget that day," y/n answered. jungwon nodded before taking their hand and intertwining their fingers. he was still looking down, which made the other frown again.

"i'm sorry for walking out just now.." jungwon said quietly. y/n's brows furrowed as they shook their head.

"don't apologize. i'm sorry that i didn't see you were upset," they countered.

"i know you didn't mean to upset me. the others just like to mess with me. they're too good at it, i guess." he said in disappointment.

"wonnie, look at me, please?"

it took him a moment, but he was able to bring himself to look at his love. he managed to give him a small smile, his soft eyes making y/n's heart fill with warmth.

"there's my dimpled boy," they cooed as a light blush coated jungwon's cheeks. "you know i'm all yours, right? it's just you and i," y/n reminded him.

"and the rest of enhypen," the male added jokingly. y/n rolled their eyes.

"they can wait in line, tsk."

a small laugh left jungwon's lips as he looked at the other with care. the moonlight shined on their face perfectly, making him feel an urge to kiss them. he gently squeezed their hand and leaned in, y/n following to meet him in the middle.

"shit- oh, they're kissing. go back inside, go back inside!"

the couple pulled apart and turned to see a few of the boys frantically rushing back inside the dorm, definitely not as subtle as they might've hoped. the door shut quietly before the pair's eyes met again.

"just you and i, huh?" jungwon repeated. y/n sighed and rolled their eyes again.

"be quiet and kiss me."

jungwon chuckled and rested his free hand against their cheek, connecting their lips again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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