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Chapter 1

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His only proof was the weather, really. Five noted the clearer sky that came with his first jump. The greener leaves.

But the difference was too subtle. Five jumped forward again and was pleased by the snow covered streets. Maybe he should have stopped there, but he was emboldened by the adrenaline rush of success and in no hurry to return home.

Time is on my side , Five thought, Dad's got nothing on me.

So he jumped forward for a third time. Then a fourth.

Five was disappointed by the cars, which looked basically the same, and by the buildings which likewise remained as they had been in 2002. Five doubted himself for a second. Had he just been using spatial jumps this whole time? Tricked by his own optimism?

But jumping through time felt palpably different from space in a way he couldn't quite explain to himself.

And there had been snow.

Five decided he would jump again in search of more snowy weather, but when he tried nothing happened. He was out of energy.

Well. There would be plenty of time to experiment.

His preoccupation with time travel led him to neglect his surroundings. When he finally decided he should go back to the Academy, Five realized he wasn't sure exactly how to get there. He'd never gone out on his own before. And maybe the streets were different now. Everything was unfamiliar.

Then again, dear old Dad didn't exactly take them out on field trips. Only missions. The rest of the time, they stayed home.

Finally a police car rolled to a stop beside him. "You lost, kid?"

Five scowled. "Just a bit turned around."

"Come on then." He opened the passenger side door. "We'll sort it out."

Five hesitated.

"I know it's annoying," the officer said. "But you're too young to be out on your own."

"Says who?" Five said.

"Says me. C'mon Five, just get in the car."

Five blinked. "You know me?"

"Course I do," the officer grinned. "You're famous, little man."

Of course he was famous. He was part of the Umbrella Academy. Five forced himself to relax and got in the car.

"Little man?" Five scoffed. "I don't appreciate your tone, officer."

"Sorry, sorry." The man cleared his throat and softened his smile. "So you're on foot today? Finally lost your car privileges?"

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