Chapter Four

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* Joe's P.O.V *

I took Bruno to the vet.He'd been shot once.It didn't take very long for them to patch him up.I sat in the waiting room.I'd been thinking about Nicole and Kai all day.Nicole wouldn't just leave the country with a strange man. Something was wrong...Really wrong.
Our team had been chasing Dalibour for almost two years.He was an expert at getting away,Staying unseen.That's the one thing I'd have to face.Cap made sure I had a 'secret' plane ticket. I wanted to make sure that Bruno was okay-He was going with me.I can't go fight the enemy without my K-9. It only took him two days and he was back to normal.We couldn't go anywhere because we didn't exactly know where they were.
*Nicole's P.O.V*

I woke up with Kai in my arms.I didn't get much sleep last night,I couldn't get my mind off of Joe.We've been through so much in these past years. Joe is my EVERYTHING.We've been together through everything. I had a gut feeling-SOMETHING wasn't right. But a gut feeling could be wrong. I sat up, causing Kai to stir. I got up and laid her small body on the twin size bed which was in the middle of the room. Just as I stood up, Someone knocked on the door. I went and opened the heavily pad locked door only to reveal Mr. Wilson. He looked like he hadn't had much sleep either. "Good Morning" He greeted. I smiled "Good Morning" I said. "May I come in?" He asked politely. I nodded, opening the door and letting him in. He looked over at Kai who slumbered peacefully. "You didn't get much sleep" He observed. I nodded, But didn't want to expose my sadness about Joe. We both sat at a table which had a small window directly adjacent to it. "Okay, We're going to the stores today-But you have to stay close to me." He spoke. He pulled a little devise out of his jacket pocket. "This is for me to keep a tab on you just in case you do get lost somehow. We will be able to find you quickly." He explained. He demonstrated how to put it on and I did it. "We'll leave when you're ready" He said as he got up. I hadn't brought anything. "I-uh don't have any money" I said almost nervously. He turned to me. "The U.S has given me all the money you need-Or want." He spoke. I smiled but stayed silent. That seemed weird. IF Kai and I were in danger, Wouldn't we have gotten at least two guards? Maybe i'm just high mantance. I woke Kai up. She wasn't particularly happy that i'd done that. She had on a cute little onesie. Which reminded me of the house and Joe. I held Kai securely in my arms as we left. There were a lot of cute little stores along the sides of the road. "Mr."-"Call Me Darren" He spoke. "Darren, Are there places to buy diapers?" I asked curiously. "Yes, But I will have those specially delivered, We can't have you in public a whole bunch" He spoke. I nodded in acceptance. We went to lunch. The food was good-It was obviously a different country. Iran , Maybe Iraq. All I knew was that we were a LONG way from the states. They had little bottles and I fed Kai with one. As we sat, My behind vibrated. It scared me for a moment. I pulled out my phone to see who was calling me-"I'm gonna go throw our stuff away, Stay here" He directed. I nodded, Keeping my phone out of sight. I watched as he walked off before I looked at my phone. It was an unknown number-I felt compelled to answer it though. I knew I couldn't answer it in front of Darren though. Before I knew it, He was back. He sat back down in his chair. "She actually needs t'get her diaper changed" I informed. Darren stood up and directed me/us to the bathroom. My phone had not stopped vibrating. I went into one of the stalls and closed the door and locked it. I sat Kailaieah on the changing station. I answered the call. "Hello" I spoke. "NICOLE!" A familiar voice spoke loudly. "Tara?" I questioned. Tara was one of the people on Joe's squad when he was in Iran. She had a kid and I watched her so we kind of got close. "Nicole, Listen to me VERY carefully. Are you alone?"-"Yeah, I'm with Kailaieah-What's wrong?"-" We need to get OUT of there NOW! The man you are with is a trained killer. He's trying to hold you hostage...Look, There's only five of us left, We're coming to get you." She spoke. I was lost. What was she talking about? Darren? A trained killer? I was beginning to panic. I heard the phone beep and the line go dead. "Tara?" I spoke into the phone. I didn't know what was happening. My thoughts were interrupted by Darren. "Nicole" He spoke from the other side of the door. "Yeah"-"We gotta get going" He informed. "Okay" I said


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