A Reunion Before Marrying the Brawler's Softest Tootsies (Part 1 of 2)

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Context: The events that transpired at the end of Volume 8 resulted in Phineas, Yang and their friends falling into the void. The villains had seemingly won. That is, until a massive aura construct in the shape of an eastern dragon rose from where Phineas fell and made short work of them and their misdeeds. Not even Salem, in all her powerful might, was a match for this foreign entity as rows upon rows of her army were wiped out and she too eventually joined their fate. But just before her demise, she swore she could see a figure within the construct of Aura. Maybe this was the one known as Phineas Drago, she thought before accepting her fate. Once the enemy was slain, the dragon focused some of its power to send its host, his friends and the many innocents who barely lost their lives to Remnant where it was safe. Afterwards, it faded into nothingness. Ruby, Yang and their friends were sent to Patch, while Phin was left in the middle of the forest surrounding his home.

Yang, distraught by the disappearance of her boyfriend, locked herself in her room; never changing out of her Atlas gear. Ruby and her friends kept checking on her, hoping to get her out of her depressed state. Sadly, any attempt to do so failed. Eventually, they resorted to giving their blonde friend her space and left Patch. Yet, they were all hopeful that Phin would return one day and reunite with them all; especially his dear Yang.

Little did they know that he would actually be closer than they initially thought.

(Phineas's POV)

Finally, it took me a while but I eventually made out of the forest and into the front yard of an all-too-familiar two-story wooden cabin. I guess I ended up in Patch after all that happened in the battle. God, I hope everyone else is okay. I have no clue how I ended up in Patch, but I'll just be glad that I did. The last thing I want is to be trapped in some empty, black void; left to float aimlessly for eternity. I opened the front door and was greeted by the living room. I took a deep breath and sighed.

"It's so good to be home." I thought pleasantly. As soon as I took a few steps further, I noticed Taiyang sleeping on the couch. I quietly slithered my way to him and gently shook his shoulder. No response. So, I decided to snap my fingers rhythmically. This usually works when I want to get his attention (don't ask why). This rewarded me with a tired groan from my adoptive father. He slowly opened his eyes as he sat up to rub his eyes.

"What is it..." He said groggily.

"Been a long time, Pops," I greeted with a smile. "How's it hangin'?"

He looked up at me with bags under his eyes and it took him a moment to recognize me. Once he did, his eyes widened as he suddenly jumped off the couch and grabbed me by the shoulders. "Where the hell have you been?!" he shouted, worried sick about me.

"Well, I'm not entirely sure how to explain this," I said, unsure of what to say. "But, as I was falling in the void during that whole fight with Salem's army, some mystical power awakened deep within me and... Honestly, the last thing I remember is waking up in the middle of the forest surrounding this place."

Taiyang sighed before letting me go. "Well, whatever happened, I'm just glad you're alright." He said relieved. I looked around the house and noticed we were the only ones here. Or at least, that's what I thought. "After Ruby and the others suddenly teleported here, they were wondering where you were," Taiyang continued. "Especially Yang." I froze upon hearing the name of my girlfriend. I quickly turned around with a concerned look on my face. "Where is she?" I asked. "She locked herself in her room," he told me. "She and the others looked all over Remnant for you. After weeks passed, the others were skeptical that you even made it out alive. They tried to tell her that you must have kicked the bucket, but she didn't believe them. She knew you'd come back to us. Come back to her." Hearing that made my heart break. "After she trapped herself in her room, Ruby, Weiss, Blake and all the others tried their best to get her to come out. Unfortunately, nothing they said or did persuaded her to even step an inch from the doorway. Eventually, after about a month or two of fruitless efforts, they decided to just give her some space."

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