Here we go again

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"Who the hell are you?" Hayes said through gritted teeth, "and why are you talking to my girl."

Let's get something straight here. I was no ones girl. Am no ones girl. So this kind of ticked me off but its probably not a good time considering I want Anthony gone! Like ASAP.

"Anthony. And who the hell are you thinking you can talk to me like that? You are probably some punk thinking he actually stands a chance with her. When in all reality she's probably using you in some way. I mean look at you. Not at all her type. And you stand no chance compared to me." "Anthony, honey I hate to burst your bubble here but last time I checked we weren't together. And you left me. And I would NEVER get back with you. EVER. You are a self center,ignorant
Bastard who thinks he's God's gift to everyone. Well news flash you don't run things anymore. And you don't run me." Tara said matter of factly.
And with that Anthony gave me a smirk leaned in and said "Oh, but I will." Winked and left.

"Well he's lovely isn't he." Sarcasm evident in Hayes' tone. "Oh shut up! And let's go I'm hungry."  They stopped at noodles and company before getting her sisters and going to the movie. Afterwards he dropped them off and stopped Tara before she went into the house. "Tara. I'm so lost right now." "With what? I'm here talk to me."  With a slight hesitation he barely chokes out "Nothing. nevermined its nothing. Bye I'll see you tomorrow." And with that he sped away leaving Tara with so many questions.

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