the past never really goes away.

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           I was never one to cross boundaries previously set forth. I mean I don't like to cause problems. I don't like drama, but yet it always seems to find me.
     His names Anthony. He's not exactly my type but we've talked before. But I was not ready to commit. And he moved away. And then he dated this girl Ella who long story short is a slore. I'm sorry that's mean. She's not a slore she just has a lot of guy friends.
         "He's back." That's all I heard from around the school on my way to Chemistry. Who? I wondered but I was never to curious to stop and ask who they were speaking of.
        Then I saw who they were speaking of. It had been years since I had last seen this 6'5 230 pound stature with the brown hair and Brown eyes with golden flakes glistening in them. He smiled because he knew I remembered but I couldn't. When I say he moved I mean he was forced to move away. This kid was a criminal and he wasn't just stealing hearts.

            I sat in French class dreading it because it was not only Friday but also I was planning on taking Tara and her sisters to see her a movie. It wasn't one I recollected the name of but it didn't matter as long as they were happy. Tara doesn't want people knowing she basically raises her 3 sister. Nova. Naomi. And Natalie. They were triplets in the 4th grade. Yes the fourth grade. Tara never really had an escape or time off with school, work, and the girls. She loved to dance but only did it in private because she never felt worthy enough for people to see. She has this amazing confidence, where no one can tell her anything bad about herself and make her believe it. But it if she says it, it must be true. But if she only knew what I saw.
Finally I could leave. I ran to her locker burst around the corner nearly there but halted in my tracks when I saw she was talking to some guy.
       Why was he talking to me. Better yet why was he following me. "Leave me the hell alone." I said fed up with this kid. He wouldn't stop asking me about how my life was after him and all this jizz jazz. Like I'm fine move the Frick on with your life. I mean I was forced too. And you happily left my life without even realizing you killed any chance of me ever being happy. Or so I thought until I met Hayes. I mean I've known him forever but our friendship has always been off and on like the latest trends. But this time around its been like we are a family. My sisters adore him and my parents not that they even care about me approve of him too. But I'm going to be honest I could care less what they think. They made me grow up so much quicker than anyone else. I raised 3 triplet girls at the age of  9. But my grades could never fall that was never an excuse. No matter how many hours of sleep I lost. No matter how many days I had to stay home because the girls were sick. It never was an option to fall my CEO parents. And Anthony screamed pride, nobility, and everything I regretted about my parents. But yet there was a tug on the strings if my heart.

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