• Introduction •

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Life can have its ups and downs, but all and all, it's a beautiful experience. At least, that's how Izuku always imagined it.

Ever since he was a child, life seemed so colorful and wonderful. He couldn't get enough of it.

By the time he was old enough to have a phone, instead of spending all of his time on social media or playing app games, he spent a lot of time outside using his camera, taking photos of everyday life at its finest.

Whether the weather was sunshine and rainbows, or cold and rainy, Izuku was out there getting it all on his camera. Each and every experience he could get, all captured on his phone, and one day, a professional camera.

Authenticity was what he sought after, because when life did get rough, and it did, he can always turn on his camera and remember there is a brighter side to life.

But, when Izuku wasn't outside snapping millions of photos on his camera, he was enjoying other hobbies he had an interest in, one of which was music.

Of course, he wasn't the one making the music. There was just a particular boyband he had an interest in called 'The Dynamights'.

Izuku always found it difficult to enjoy media as a lot of it was more often than not produced by corporate greed, but The Dynamights were the most authentic and unapologetically bands out there. The band members weren't afraid to be themselves, say how they feel, and they made music about pretty much whatever they wanted. They really felt like real people, and Izuku enjoyed them, and so did the rest of the world.

Other than that, Izuku kept to himself, but his friend, Ochaco, felt like it was finally time for him to stop hiding and put himself out there and find a boyfriend. After all, he was beginning to feel lonely with all of his other friends getting married and having families, but like always he'd brush it off and tell her he'll get over it and end up fine.

So while that ship hasn't sailed, Ochaco managed to land her friend another deal, one that would get him to work alongside the popular boyband that he happened to love so much.

While he was excited about the position, he was skeptical about how the band would feel about him, specifically the leader of the crew, Katsuki Bakugo.

Izuku admired him for how honest he was to everyone, even with how brutal he can be, and in knowing that, he feared he wouldn't be very welcomed by the blonde.

But, once Izuku was welcomed in as a new part of the behind-the-scenes crew, he wouldn't be prepared for just how much this opportunity really was going to change his life.


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