🌺 • Chapter 15 • 🌺

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Love can cause people to do crazy things, and with Katsuki's competitiveness, it was unpredictable what he would do to prove how much he cared for Izuku.

No one, not even Katsuki himself, would've ever guessed how far he'd go for another person, but he couldn't explain in words how Izuku made him feel. But the best way he could describe it was if it came down to it, he would die for him.

It sounded extreme, and most likely would never happen, but that's how he genuinely felt. He even surprised himself just thinking about it.

But since they were just two regular people living in the real world and not fictional characters in the middle of a war, all that really mattered to Katsuki at this point in time was being the best boyfriend he could possibly be and making sure anyone who had ever wronged Izuku would feel sorry for ever being born.

Again, this is extreme, but if people went crazy from being in love, then falling for Izuku would have made Katsuki insane. Not that he minded that. As long as it was something he was good at and Izuku loved him for it, it didn't matter how others perceived it.

For now, his revenge against Shindo would have to wait, but everything was falling right into place like dominos. As long as things worked in his favor and no domino fell out the wrong way, they should all fall and make a beautiful art piece in the end.

But Shindo can't be all that occupies his mind, as their concert would start in due time, meaning he'd get to see Izuku soon.

Well, technically he couldn't see Izuku as he was currently hiding above the crowd in a raised booth that was disguised as a speaker to not stand out or seem suspicious. While the greenette wasn't visible, Katsuki knew which one he was hidden in, and he'd abuse that knowledge completely by flashing suggestive looks up at him, only being able to imagine how red Izuku's face was behind his hiding place.

No more having to daydream about it. It was finally showtime.

The stage lit up, the spotlight directed everyone's attention to the center of the stage, the music had started, and the curtain raised to reveal all five of everyone's favorite band members as they got in their places and started to perform what they had spent so many months rehearsing, which caused you entire crowd to roar in cheers, applause, and various other exclamations.

Izuku got to work right away, mentally fanboying at how great his view was of the whole band.

Before he started taking pictures, he had to remind himself that he was here for business purposes and not as a fan, so he needed to make sure to get an equal amount of pictures of every band member and not just Katsuki. At work, he has no favoritism.

Then again, he could take a few extra photos of Katsuki just for personal reasons, right? Aizawa didn't need to know.

He blushed at the thought as he slowly zoomed in on Katsuki's face, only to notice that it appeared as though the blonde was looking directly at him.


Katsuki's verse of the song hadn't happened yet, so he wasn't singing at the moment, meaning he wasn't the center of attention, so it appeared as though he was looking up at Izuku, smirking at him.

"Why is he-"

But Izuku's suspicions ended once Katsuki winked at him just before his part of the song came on, and anytime the song became suggestive or romantic, the blonde would bring his gaze back up at him, causing Izuku to blush.

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