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By amyelevenn on Tumblr

SUMMARY; you stumble upon the minecraft household a few days before Christmas rather hurt.

WARNINGS; graphic description of blood and injury, light angst

A/N; one of my faves i've written <33 hope you enjoy as always

Running was never a fun task. Whether it was in a race or from a deadly pursuer, it was never something you seemed to enjoy. The ache of your legs, the burning of your lungs, the pounding of your heart... I mean, who could blame you?

But to you, running was especially invigorating when it was away from mobs. It always terrified you that they were out for your blood, and didn't help when you had the occasional arrow whiz past your ear, 9/10 times nicking the skin. At this point, you were surprised you still had ears.

You had been running for what felt like days, but in reality would've only been hours. You didn't allow yourself to stop, knowing that if you did, well, you be dead in a multitude of seconds. Considering you seemed to have journeyed right into mob-central, you couldn't see a future where you did stop and made it out alive.

It also didn't help that your ankle was gradually bleeding out from a creeper blast you gained less than an hour into your journey. With that same explosion, your pretty sure that your hearing got screwed up in one of your ears, which really fucking sucks. You also had a black eye, but that hadn't swollen up yet, so you paid it no mind.

Many – way too many – mobs were on your tail, and it didn't help that you were running right into a snowy forest. The trees seemed to cop most of the snowfall, but the foliage didn't collect all of the white powder that piled up to your shins.

You ducked as another arrow flew over your head, aimed straight for your skull. You shuddered at the thought of it piercing through your bones, but kept up your unsteady pace. Weaving in and out of the trees proved much harder in the snow, but you were determined to not die in the middle of nowhere.

Almost as if right on que, light flooded your vision. Not just any light, but that of a torch; a beautiful sign of life. Human life. And you knew that human life could equal help.

Or death.

You felt your adrenaline peak, using what strength you had left to get to the light. It didn't take long to be surrounded by trees lit by the small fires, but you didn't stop there. They seemed to be lighting a path, one you didn't hesitate to follow. Within mere paces, the sounds of your chasers dispersing met your ears, clearly not appealed at your sudden escape.

As the groans of displeasure quietened around you, you noticed yourself slowing down. You willed yourself forward, hyperaware of the fact that if you stopped here, you would more than likely die of hypothermia.

The snow was much thinner on the man-made path, which made it so much easier to run through. You were more than grateful for whomever carved the way, hopping that they would be showered in their greatest desires. It sounded a bit extreme, but your emotions were working overtime, so who cared for an extra bit of gratitude?

You became aware of the torches thinning out ahead of you, but soon realised that was because the forest ended here. Not long after, you were in the middle of a clearing, the moon now being your only source of light. That is, apart from the glowing windows of the house in the distance.

You were more than ecstatic at the face of civilisation. Mustering what little energy you had left, you trudged through the snow and to the cottage. The outside had a few lanterns at the base of the stairs leading to the patio, but the main source of illumination were from what appeared to be the kitchen window. You couldn't see anyone behind them, but as you steadily approached, you could make out faint voices echoing around the house.

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