i hate you

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A.N : This is a long ass oneshot, so grab your snacks, tea, sweets or anything you want and enjoy your time

Proofread ✔️ - 06/08

Minho's POV

When I tell you I hate Han Jisung, I mean that I absolutely despise him. He always finds a way to annoy me even when I feel the most at peace.

I don't even know what I did to make him annoy me to the extent that I want to shove a knife up his arse. It's like having an annoying sibling following you around 24/7 but it's 10x worse.

There was one time, when I was at the library, Jisung came to bother me for absolutely no reason at all.


I was at the library, sitting in a corner, peacefully reading 'The Hunger Games' when I saw, from the corner of my eye, a tall human figure walking towards me. I didn't really care about it as I continued to read my book, when all of a sudden it was snatched out of my hands.

I really really wanted to slap this person for interrupting my reading time but since i'm at the library, I decided against it. I looked up and saw, none other than, Han Jisung with a smirk on his pretty- ugly face. Minho, what are you thinking! He is not pretty but pretty annoying. Minho mentally slapped himself for making such a small mistake.

"'The Hunger Games' by Suzanne Collins? Huh. Didn't know you were into reading these types of things. I thought you were innocent and didn't read things consisting of blood and gore." Jisung said with a teasing smirk on his face.

"Shut up. You don't know me at all. Stop making these stupid assumptions." Minho said, glaring at Jisung with fierce eyes. "Awh, look. The kitty's all feisty. How cute." Jisung reached out his hand to pat Minho's head but it was swatted away by Minho.

Jisung's rolled his eyes and stood up, walking away to do whatever he did. Minho sighed as he reached to his right side to take his book and continue reading, but only then he realised that Jisung had taken it.

"What the fuck." Minho swore under his breath, stood up and ran after the person who had stolen his book.


I walked into the classroom and went to the seat at the back of the class that was beside a window. Slowly, I took out the necessary materials I needed for the class and stared out the window while waiting for the teacher to come in. What I didn't notice is that someone had sat in the seat beside me.

As I was staring into the scenery outside of the classroom, someone suddenly tapped on my left shoulder. I slightly jumped in my seat as I was not expecting it and snapped my neck to my right. Guess who?

Han Jisung.

He always sits at the front, why is he sitting beside me? To annoy you dumbass. What else? I sighed, knowing that I won't be able to concentrate on Ms Choi's lesson.

Jisung's POV

It was Ms Choi's class and Minho was also in the same class as me. I normally sat at the front but today, I decided to sit beside Minho.

I saw him looking out the window with bright eyes and it was a cute scene to witness. My finger made its way to Minho's shoulder and tapped it a few times before capturing his attention.

"What do you want, Han?"

"Can't I sit beside my friend?"

"We. Are. Not. Friends."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.


School had just ended and I was on the way home when I saw a stray cat crossing the road. I didn't really pay any attention to it but when I saw a car that was driving towards the cat, I realised that there was a chance the cat might get hit.

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