Over School

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"So am I finally gonna meet this boyfriend of yours today?"

"Yeah I think he's coming."

Kaylee sat next to Chase on the morning of her high school graduation.

"I'm so over school."

Chase chuckled, and she got up to get ready. She wasn't nervous about how she had to say a speech in front of like a lot of people, she was just nervous about how her family was gonna react to her and Jett. She quick got ready, and her and Chase went out to his truck. She pulled out her phone to tell Jett that they were coming.

Kaylee-me and chase are on the way

Jettson❤-okay, are you nervous cause I'm scared as hell

Kaylee-yeah I'm mostly scared about my dad and chase

Jettson❤-yeah me to but I gotta get going. I love you

Kaylee-love ya nerd

She set her phone down and watched Chase drive until they got to her school. Her and Chase waited in his truck until she seen Jett's truck pull up next to his. Chase looked over, and seen him.

"Why the hell is Jett here?"

"Yeah about that."

Kaylee said opening the door, and Chase got out. He walked around the back of the truck, and seen Jett and Kaylee hugging. Chase smiled, as he always knew this was gonna happen, and he was trying to set the two up anyway.

"Ok love birds."

Chase said walking in between them. 

"Wait your not mad?"

"Mad about my best friend dating my sister when I set them up? Nope."

Jett laughed, and she dragged Jett with her to go get ready, so Chase stayed to wait for their parents. 


"Hope I don't fuck this up."

"You'll be fine. And did I tell you how hot you are?"

"Only like 8 times."

Jett and Kaylee walked over to Chase and her parents. Dad looked between them, and she figured he had them figured out.

"Jett what are you doing here?"

Just then the girly pop came and yelled for all the people so Kaylee had to go with her. 

"Well Jett and Kaylee are dating." 

Chase said, and Jett hit his arm. Keir smiled, and her mom did too.

"Good." Keir said, and Jett was shocked.

"Wait your happy about this?"

"Yes Jett. You are a good dude, and a lot better than any of her previous boyfriends."

Jett smiled, but he was smiling even bigger on the inside. He had never been able to make any of his exes parents happy. They all went and sat down, and some dude walked up on the stage.

"Thank you to all the family, friends, loved ones, for coming out to help us celebrate the class of 2023. This group has been with us for 4 years, and man they are great. They all have different futures, but each one of them is different. But let's get this started shall we?"

Another guy came up.

"First, I would like to bring up the class president for a speech. Kaylee Sexton everybody."

She walked up to the mic, and set her phone on the little podium thing.

"Hello everyone. My name is Kaylee Sexton, and I have no clue why I am the class president, cause ask anyone, I am the furthest thing from responsible." I few of the older people laughed before she continued. "I'm the same girl who accidentally lit my parents house in Illinois on fire cause I wanted to see what would happen. That's when I got sent to live with Chase in Florida." She laughed along with everyone else. "But anyway. I have no idea what I'm supposed to say so I just stole some ideas from the internet. So to my English teacher, if it sounds like I didn't write this it's cause I didn't write most of it." A few more people laughed. "A wise man once told me, that if you give up on your dreams you give up on your life. That wise man is my brother Chase. Now I wouldn't say it was my dream to graduate high school but you get the point. Chase has been my hero since the day I was born, and he was the reason I kept pushing to be better. Cause let me tell you, it's hard to be cooler than your brother when he's a professional athlete, but I try my best. Anyway, I wanna thank all the teachers, principals, and staff at this place for showing us not to be idiots even though me and some of my hood rat friends still are. Thank you to Mr. Ryan the custodian for always cleaning up our messes. Thank you to my mom, dad, Jett and Chase for always believing in me when I didn't believe in myself. I don't really know what else I'm supposed to say so I guess I'm done."

She said and she jumped off the stage with a little heel click and sat down in her chair next to one of her friends. They zipped through everyone, and when it was over, Kaylee took pictures with her parents, Chase, Jett, Chase and Jett and then everyone. Everyone headed home and she got in Chase's truck and grabbed her phone.

Kaylee-that went way better than I thought it would

Jettson❤-yeah your dad actually told me he was happy you and me were dating

Kaylee-wow. love you nerd

Jettson❤-love you buckle bunny

Kaylee-buckle bunny💀 you have been watching way to much tiktok

Dating My Brother's Best Friend; Jett LawrenceWhere stories live. Discover now