Side Story: III

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"Be careful alright?" Shu says to his niece and nephew who nodded at their uncle's request and runs off to play at the playground.

He smiled at the sight of his nephew and niece playing and having fun, he then joined Vox at the bench where parents, babysitters or guardians supervises their kids.

"I still can't believe he ditched us. I wanted to have more brother bond time.." Shu frowned.

Shu was told earlier that it was Hikarino who texted him instead of Vox. The two brothers were re-introduced by their sister and she told the eldest sibling that he and Hikarino are twins (leaving the same person part).

The yellow highlighted man was looking forward to spend some more time with his brother but it looks like Hikarino doesn't like him that much.

Y/n haven't told him why yet.

Vox looked away from his phone to have his attention fully at his friend. "Who knows what's going on inside his bird brain? Let's just leave him be,"

Shu pursed his lips at this. "He's my brother."

"Well my friend," Vox started, placing a hand on Shu's shoulder. "It's their birthday soon. I don't think Hikarino would miss it even if it's the end of the world!"

"How would you-"

"Shoto told me."

Shu nods slowly. "Speaking of Shoto," He pointed to the distance, a familiar person with a purple jacket, black shirt and skinny jeans came into view.

He waved at the two with a huge grin, there was something in his hands. "Where's Mairi and Levi?" Shoto asked, looking around the playground. When he sees them, he was in awe. "Ah, they're so cute! Here, hold this for me."

Shoto walked to the two kids and took pictures and videos with them. "Your parents are going to be so jealous we spent time together!"

Meanwhile, Vox stared at the expensive bag in his hand. "W-What the hell am I supposed to do with this?"

Shu shrugged. "Just hold on to it for Shoto. It looks like a gift!" He peeked inside it and whistled. "Someone sure is lucky, it looks like it costed a lot!"

Vox widened his eyes. "Really?" He took a peek too but stopped after hearing Shoto shout at the distance.

"Don't mess with that!"

° • ~

Shoto checked on the twins who are now passed out from the energy used in the playground. "Aww, they're asleep."

"Great because I was getting tired too." Vox chuckled. "By the way, why can't Shu take care if them? Isn't he also Y/n's brother?"

Shoto leaned in his seat and hummed. "I guess she trusts Hikarino more."

There was silence between the two but it was a comfortable one. It stayed like that until they arrived to Shoto's apartment.

Just as Shoto was about to enter his key in the lock, the door opened revealing a tired Hikarino. "I'm hungry."

Shoto rolled his eyes. "I thought you went out?"

"Who told you that-"

Shoto ignored him and entered the place along with Vox who was holding the sleeping twins. After telling the tall ravenette to place them in their beds, Vox went home shortly after.

"Hope you had fun on your date." The two argued at the same time.

"Oh shut up, you went out first!"

The roommates glared at each other, huffed and then crossed their arms and looked away.

"I got you something but I doubt you'll like it."

Shoto slowly looked over to Hikarino who now has a bag in his hold. Shoto relieved the gift, opened it and raised a brow. "Clips?"

"I thought they looked cute on you and as I said earlier, I doubt you would've liked it." Hikarino then lets out a frustrated sigh. "Gosh, why did I even get you those.."

"Are you.. hitting on me?"

"What?! Why would you think that? I'm not interested in you one bit. Just because I called you cute doesn't mean I'm interested in you romantically nor will I be dating you!"

Defensive just because I joked..

Shoto shook his head. "I was joking, chill. I know you're with uh.. Kuro?" The purple haired male tried the clips on his hair. "Thanks, I like them."

Hikarino stayed quiet but mumbled a small 'you're welcome'. He was always like this whenever he's flustered or thinking of something deeply.

Shoto was about to say he has something for his roommate but received a video call from his best friend. "Oh hey Y/n! Spending your honeymoon with Sonny all right?"

Y/n smiled and showed him her surroundings, Sonny was seen waving too. "It's fun here! You picked a great place, thanks Toto."

"Don't call me that."

"How are the kids? Are they behaving well? Oh, they must be asleep now, huh?" Y/n frowned. "I miss my babies.."

Hikarino peaked over Shoto's shoulder, appearing on the screen for Y/n. "They're fine. By the way, what do you think of this?" He pointed to Shoto's colourful hairclips.

"Oh! They look cute on you and it suits you very well, Shoto! Did Hika got them for you?"

Shoto's face was red in embarassement, he forgot to take them off. "Yes, he did get it for me." He replied.

"Told you it looked cute on you." Hikarino smirked then went to stand up to be in his room, leaving Shoto alone in the living room.


"Oh yeah! I heard there's a daycare you can send the twins in. You can attend with Hika and it'll be fine! I know you can't take care of twins. Trust me, Sonny and I attended to it because it's actually kind of helpful!" There were words of agreement from Sonny in the background.

"Sure I'll go, send me the name of the place and I'll talk to him about it."

"Nice! I know he's stubborn but just tell him I told you to, he can't argue with me!" Y/n pointed at herself with pride, earning a kiss from her husband. "Okay, we'll be off now, I'll send it to you and tell the kids we miss them!"

Shoto nods, waving at the couple until they end the call. He plops himself on the couch, sighing when he recieved the information of the said place Y/n told him about.

Tomorrow the roommates would have to attend 'parenting class' together.

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