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"What the hell is taking so long?" Nat asks, looking around the table at the rest of the group.

Tony has been back in the holding room for almost an hour and he's kept the rest of the team in the dark about who this girl really is, and what he needs with her. 

"Should we check on him?" Steve asks in response.

"No, no, just leave him. I'm sure he's fine." Rhodey says.

"Does anyone even know her name?" Peter asks, reminding half the group that he's still there with them. 

Sam pipes up, "Why is that even important?" 

"I don't know, I guess I just- never mind."

"Just tell us, kid. We've got nothing else to do." Nat suggests.

The room goes silent and everyone's eyes pan to Peter at the end of the table. Peter sits there for a moment, planning his words carefully. 

"Tony kept saying that he knew her, that he practically raised her," He says, trailing off, "I had a sister. I was young but I remember her. After our parents died, Tony started looking after us."

"He practically raised her," Nat repeats under her breath. "What happened to her?" She asks.

"I don't actually know. Tony never gave me a straight answer and I got bit around the same time so everything got swept up. It was all a bit of a blur." Peter sighs, seemingly deep in thought but he looks back at everyone quickly. "But I'm sure I'm just overthinking this. What are the chances this is her?" He says, almost laughing it off.

"What was her name?" Sam asks, now convinced that it could be important. 



"Anna, I'm going to need you to focus really hard on what I'm thinking right now, and tell me what you hear," Tony asks, fidgeting in his seat

"You're thinking of..." I cringe, feeling his thoughts as if they were a headache, "You're thinking of the number seven." I say, finishing my thought. 

"This is incredible. You're telepathic." 

"Why seven?" 

"The tattoo on your wrist." He says, looking down at my arm. I cover the number and look back at him. He's too excited about this power of mine that he doesn't notice my reaction.

"Hydra made you telepathic." He mumbles to himself, proudly.

"But, why me?" I ask, and as soon as the words leave my mouth, I realize my mistake. It wasn't just me, I wasn't alone. 

"That I don't know, but we'll figure it out, we'll do it together."

I start to picture Bucky and my other opponents. The hallways were littered with metal limbs and training soldiers. I know though, it's too soon to say anything. 

Tony walks over to my side of the table and puts his arm on my shoulder, in an attempt to comfort me. Instead, it triggers my fight or flight and in this instance, fight. My adrenaline picks up and I feel every cell in my body speed up as I rush to stand and defend myself. I quickly realize though, that I've exhausted myself testing my powers for Tony. I feel faint and hit the floor hard. 

"No way," Tony whispers in disbelief, "There's no way."

I keep my eyes open, trying to fight the sleep and I hear Tony call out a name that I recognize, just before I pass out. 

"Steve! Steve, come here! Now!"


Tony tries to lift me off the ground and struggles, that's when Steve bursts through the door. 

"Tony, what the hell happened?" He asks, rushing to take my weak, limp body from Tony's arms. His heart sinks, looking at how defenseless I am and he walks me to a bedroom a few doors down. There, he sets me down on a bed in front of a wall of windows. 

"Tony, what's going on?" He asks, turning to face him. 

"She's incredible. Not only does she have that metal arm, but she can also hear my thoughts, and she's got some speed ability." Tony says, in awe, "Steve, I think she could be one of us."

"Tony, what are you saying? This was just a rescue mission." 

"And I think it can be more than that."

"What?" Steve says flatly, unimpressed, "You want to get the team back together?"

"Thats exactly what I want. She could be what we need. What we need to pull us back together."

Steve sighs and looks over at me. 

All in a Blur: Special EditionWhere stories live. Discover now