Chapter 2: Risky Duel

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Note:  I know there was some confusion in the previous chapter about which "mom" the reader was referring to. So to clear it up here:

Mom = Okane 
Mum = Lylah 

I know it got kind of confusing, so it's not much of a change between the two. But I hope this helps with understanding which person the reader is referring to!


After departing ways with Ciana, (y/n) is recognized by a couple of students there. They greet him with a wave, though there were only a handful present. Located on an isolated island in the middle of a massive lake with only a bridge connecting it to the city campus, Riverford Academy was built to be a fortress in itself. Classes were located above and below the island, even having extensions added to create more room for the separate divisions. Unlike other academies, Riverford's ideology was that whether a student was to pursue the path of magic, weaponry, or both. It would benefit them to form bonds with others outside their chosen divisions, rather than simply going to a school that specializes in a single field. 

Walking straight through the elegant courtyard and into the central building where the headmaster's office was located. (y/n) stops for a moment feeling a bit dizzy. Hoping it was just the after-effects of the Moon Pearl Pills he took earlier, he steps onto an enchanted platform that carries him to the highest floor. Walking towards an oak door with a stone archway around it. He could hear several muffled voices on the other side. Two of which he recognized being his uncle and Asher. The third was an unfamiliar voice, though most likely another student or staff member. Knocking on the door, he hears his uncle's cheerful voice echo from the other side. 

"Come in, the door is unlocked!"

Your pov

I hope this nausea goes away soon, it's not like I ate anything after. Besides the drink that Mr. Cyrus made, though neither Umbre nor Salvine should have any negative interactions with the pills. I shook the thought aside, opening the door, I entered my uncle's office.

"Considering the technicalities, why can't a mage try learning Aura as an alternative?" I overheard Asher debating with another guy. He had short black hair that was combed over to one side and grey-colored eyes. His skin was rather fair, though I'm not one to judge given I barely leave my room unless prompted to. But I could tell from his appearance he seemed to be of noble descent. He was dressed in the academy's uniform, though didn't have a badge so probably a new student.

"Ah, good afternoon (y/n). What can I do for you?" my uncle, Bowen Galecrest, aka the academy's current headmaster asked me.

"Hello, uncle! I'm just dropping by because mom and mum wanted to give their regards. Oh, also Asher-" I said, interrupting his conversation with the new student. "This morning I bought several crates of supplies from Mr. Cyrus. I believe he and either Cay or Anthony will be dropping them off later this evening. Just letting you know, in case you come back and the entire storehouse in the back is full." I informed Asher who nodded in return. 

Asher had medium-length ash grey colored hair, that he could tie into a short ponytail if he wanted to. His bangs were swept to either side, combed rather neatly despite his side of the room being the exact opposite of his tidy appearance. Though the most striking feature, at least something most customers tend to comment on was his heterochromia. One eye being a dark purple and the other a light green. 

"Oh, nice! You could've asked me to go help them, is it something mom and mum needed urgently?" He asked.

"Nah, it's just something Mum wanted to stock up on for later. I tried telling that to Mr. Cyrus but he and Cay insisted, so no can do." I sighed, pausing a bit because I felt like throwing up randomly. Ugh, I hope these pills weren't a scam. "You could probably try talking to them, but-oh right, um, sorry for interrupting your conversation," I said, apologizing to the new student who just stood off to the side watching me and Asher converse. Actually, has he been staring at me this entire time? 

Dango Rewritten: Male reader x OcsWhere stories live. Discover now