Chapter 3: Medical Analysis

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Note: Okane, one of the reader's moms. Her first name is Reika, but since she is Japanese, she is mainly refer to as Okane, unless it is by close friends of her. 


"How's his condition, Nikolai?" Okane asked, as she and Lylah stood in the infirmary watching over (y/n)'s body. Placed gently onto a spare bed, his body laid motionless, other than the soft sounds of him breathing. It gave the two comfort that he was still alive, even if he remained unconscious.

"He's doing better now, but I'm not sure when he'll wake up." Nikolai exhaled, "It's a good thing that the child from House Vernos was there. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to keep him safe, especially with the damage he had to his internal organs." He added. Nikolai was an elf with pointed ears and a tanned skin tone. He was quite tall and had medium length black hair that was tied into a ponytail. It was paired with crystal clear blue eyes, that showed his honesty and mixed emotions about the current situation. 

He had been called by Okane to look after (y/n) as the school nurse wasn't present when the duel took place. It had been a week since everything, and while (y/n)'s condition has stabilized and gotten a bit better. The worry looming over when he'll regain consciousness and if he'll be okay continues to haunt everyone who was aware of what was going on. Surrounding (y/n) on either side of his bed were crates upon crates of valuable crystals, potions, medications and all sorts of miscellaneous things that people pulled together to try to help him. Yet time after time again, nothing seemed to work, and after what Loire found out about (y/n)'s condition. It seemed like the most plausible explanation, but it also meant that there was no clear-cut solution and trying to risk doing something else could mean death.

"Do you think Loire's analysis was correct?" Lylah asked, glancing at the miscellaneous objects that were meant to help restore one's mana. 

"It's hard to say, this is an unprecedented case and It's not that there's no available cure. It's just which one would work?" He questioned, pausing to riffle through his notes. "Mana corruption, overload and depletion are all relatively recoverable and minor incidences to deal with. Even on their extreme ends, but for (y/n), in all honesty. I fear something is wrong with his origin." Nikolai confessed, after pulling out a piece of paper he had been scribbling his thoughts onto.

Just then a loud bang on the infirmary's wooden door echoed throughout the quiet space, they had been talking in rather low voices. Not wanting to disturb (y/n), even though he was in a deep coma. Yet the sudden loud banging at the door grabbed their attention, to which Lylah opened the door, to reveal the Headmaster. After seeing Lylah's sour expression, Bowen coughed and apologized.

"O-oh, sorry. Can I come in?" He whispered, which Lylah nodded, moving out of the doorway to let him in. Bowen noticed Nikolai, bowing slightly to acknowledge his presence. "How is he?"

"Stable, but he's still asleep." Okane said, rubbing her son's forehead lightly. Bowen glanced elsewhere, as he felt guilty, despite having apologized numerous times to his friends. 

"Ah, Bowen, you're here. I was just telling Lylah and Reika that something might be wrong with (y/n)'s origin. Not his racial background mind you, in layman terms, I believe something is wrong with his mana core. If what you have said to me is true, most likely the corruption has gone further than expected. Far enough to where even his origin might've been affected." Nikolai added, catching Bowen up on what happened.

"... I don't know a bunch about mana pools nor origins, and truthfully the only people with that knowledge are you and Reika. But, I can wager a guess that is how (y/n) was able to cast an S rank spell, despite being an F rank." Bowen stated, looking over to Nikolai who nodded.

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