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Niklaus MikaelsonAge: 1000+ years oldSpecies: Werewolf and vampire hybridKids: Hope Mikaelson and Y/n Mikaelson/Maybank"I will hunt down every last witch until I find my youngest daughter!!!"

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Niklaus Mikaelson
Age: 1000+ years old
Species: Werewolf and vampire hybrid
Kids: Hope Mikaelson and Y/n Mikaelson/Maybank
"I will hunt down every last witch until I find my youngest daughter!!!"

Niklaus MikaelsonAge: 1000+ years oldSpecies: Werewolf and vampire hybridKids: Hope Mikaelson and Y/n Mikaelson/Maybank"I will hunt down every last witch until I find my youngest daughter!!!"

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Hayley Marshall
Age turned: 21 years old
Species: Werewolf and vampire hybrid
Kids: Hope Mikaelson and Y/n Mikaelson/Maybank
"I will murder the witch who took my baby from me and make them pay!"

Hayley MarshallAge turned: 21 years oldSpecies: Werewolf and vampire hybridKids: Hope Mikaelson and Y/n Mikaelson/Maybank"I will murder the witch who took my baby from me and make them pay!"

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Hope Mikaelson
Age: 16 years old
Species: Witch (activated), werewolf (activated), vampire (not activated)
"I know you don't know me yet but I will help you anyway I can."

Elijah MikaelsonAge: 1000+ years oldSpecies: Original Vampire"We must find Y/n and get her to trust us

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Elijah Mikaelson
Age: 1000+ years old
Species: Original Vampire
"We must find Y/n and get her to trust us."

Rebekah MikaelsonAge: 1000+ years oldSpecies: Original Vampire"We will find her Nik, she's out there without her real family

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Rebekah Mikaelson
Age: 1000+ years old
Species: Original Vampire
"We will find her Nik, she's out there without her real family."

Kol MikaelsonAge: 1000+ years oldSpecies: Original Vampire"Damn she is cooler with a gun than her bloody hands!"

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Kol Mikaelson
Age: 1000+ years old
Species: Original Vampire
"Damn she is cooler with a gun than her bloody hands!"

Kol MikaelsonAge: 1000+ years oldSpecies: Original Vampire"Damn she is cooler with a gun than her bloody hands!"

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Freya Mikaelson
Age: 1000+ years old
Species: Original Witch
"She looks like she could kill that man any second."

Davina ClaireSpecies: New Orleans Witch"She'll do anything to protect her brother even taking the abuse to keep him safe

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Davina Claire
Species: New Orleans Witch
"She'll do anything to protect her brother even taking the abuse to keep him safe."

Marcel GerardAge: 100+ years oldSpecies: Vampire "One of the witches stole your youngest, I couldn't find her, I'm sorry

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Marcel Gerard
Age: 100+ years old
Species: Vampire
"One of the witches stole your youngest, I couldn't find her, I'm sorry."

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