party 🩷

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I turn off my phone after checking all of the comments on my new post and walk outside's Harry's apartment.
'You excited then? You're first EVER PROPER PARTY!!' He says and picks me up.
'If you put me down, i'll tell you how i feel about it.' I laugh and so does he, gently putting me down, he presses the button for the lift
'I'm excited, very excited. Simon's there, right?' I walk into the lift and look at Harry.
'Yes, he'll be there, don't you worry.' He says, jokingly booping my nose.
'Good good, at least i have someone i like there.' I hold in my laughter shooting a look to Harry.
'So i just don't exist now?' He says, flapping his arms about.
'I'm joking, Simon's just more talkative.' I say, obviously joking but he just nods and then the lift stop's and we wonder out.
'Are we going in you're car or a cab?' I ask him.
'Aurelia, obviously mine.' He rolls his eyes and i just follow him.
'Wow, it's a nice car.' I say, stroking it with my hands.
'Ay, no touching, ya silly bitch.' He says and i take my hand off and laugh.
I jump in the passenger seat and fasten my seatbelt.
'Thank you for holding the door for me, such a gentleman.' I sarcastically say to him and roll my eyes.
'Oh sorry, i didn't know you was disabled in you're hands.' He laughs and fasten his seatbelt too.
'Whatever, HIT THE ROAD HAROLD!!' I shout and he covers his ear's, beginning to start up the car, and we are off.
'I'm so excited, you don't even understand.' I say and look at him smiling like a kid on christmas day.
'I don't care, AURELIA.' He jokingly says, wiping the smile off my face.
'You know i'm only joking girly pops.'
'Ew, don't ever do that again!!' I state to him .
We now have arrived at the party, i'm greeted as soon as we step through the door.
'Ah, welcome, any drinks to start with?' A waiter questions me and Harry.
'I'll take a wine, please.' I say politely.
'I'm alright, thank you.' Harry also says politely, surprised.
'Mmm, this wine is so good.' I say and smack my lips together.
'I bet it is, it's KSI's party, he'll have the best of the best.' Harry looks confused and looks around, trying to find the group .
'Where are the group?' I say, sipping on more wine.
'Uh, i don't know.'
I spot them.
'THERE!! HARRY, THERE!!' I shout and point to them.
'Alright, calm down. I see them now, thank you.' He laughs to himself and i follow him to the group and sit myself next to Simon.
'Hey Simon.' I look at him and smile.
'Hey you, you okay?' He snakes his arm around me and pulls me in for a side hug.
'Yeah i'm excellent, just wanna get absolutely wasted, you?' I ask him.
'I want too get wasted, yeah, LETS DO IT TOGETHER!!' I nod my head and we make our way to the bar.
Harry glares at us as we walk off.

'Right, what do you want?' He asks me.
'Oh, may i have a sex on the beach, please?' I say and he smiles.
'Thank you, Simon.' I flirty touch his arm and smile at him.
'I'm so glad we all met you, Aurelia.' He pulls me in for a big hug, we get interrupted.
'Ooo, whatcha doing guys?' He asks us both.
'Just ordered drinks , you want anything?' Simons asks him back.
'Uh, hm, just a Heineken, please.' He puts his thumbs up to me and i do it back, making him smile.
Simon wonders off to order, leaving me and Harry.
'So, you and Simon, eh?' He grins and nudges me a bit,
'No, no, no, i love him and all but nothing in a sexual way, just getting closer.' I say and fiddle with the counter, dragging my nails along it.
'Oh right, well, are you staying at mine tonight?' Harry asks me.
'If you allow me too, sure, i think we're really good friends and we get on well, i trust you a lot.' I look at him up at down, then into his blue eyes.
'Awesome, i won't get drunk then.' He smiles at me.
'Aww, for me?' I say with my hand on my chest, joking obviously.
'Shut up, you're a rip off gigi hadid.' He says and pushes me , making me sway to the side a bit.
'Oh piss off, you're an asda version of...of..' I try to think but nothing comes to mind, oh god.
'You can't think of anyone? See, i'm just too good looking and you know it, Aurelia.' I roll my eyes and Simon returns back.
'What did i miss then?' He looks at me and him, oddly though.
'Uh, nothing mate, absolutely nothing.' He smiles at him and Simon nods and the drinks arrive.
'Have you already paid?!' I shockingly ask and look at him.
'Anything for my two best friends.' He pulls me and Harry in for a 'group hug'.
'Ah, yes pal.' Harry awkwardly says.
He grabs his drinks and waves bye to me and says bye to Simon, he walks off back to the group, followed by me and Simon.
'Here they are, so, did you three all do a threesome?' JJ disgustingly asks, making me do a face.
'No, i wouldn't do that with Harry.' I say and causing an 'ooo' from the group.
'But you would with Simon?' Vik asks and i nod and yet again another 'ooo'.
'BRO, SIMONS GONE RED.' JJ laughs and points at him.
He's now super embarrassed.

4 hours later ..

I'm on the dance floor with Faith, Tailia and Freya, we are all dancing to 'what is love.'
'Girls, i love you all.' I shout to them, i'm drunk out of my mind.
'YOU'RE SO DRUNK!!' Freya shouts back at me.
'WHO CAN GIVE A FUCK?!' Faith shouts and we all laugh, until an arm approaches my shoulder.

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