Potion Trouble

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I hate yesterday, good thing writing making me feel better. Lavender getting grounded by her brother lmao.

Anyway continue reading^^

~CG house~

Today is a bright sunny day! The birds is singing, the flowers are blooming, the sound of someone yelling- Oh..

"Why did you go through my phone without my permission?!" Black seems very mad because of lavender looking stuff in his phone. Rip lav.

"I'm sorry! I just curious about who you're texting all day and-" lavender was cut off by the door opening revealing yellow "Uh what is going on here? I hear yelling." Yellow ask the two stickfigures.

Yellow just in time of saving lavender from getting grounded. Black didn't want to say anything else and just left the room leaving yellow and lavender. "Thanked God you're here. if you weren't here, I'm gonna be dead." Lavender said while sighing in relief.

"Also he's mad because I was going through is phone without his permission hehe.." "Oh well okay then. I'm just gonna go back to fixing my machine, see ya later!" Yellow then waves to lavender earning a wave from lavender too.

Yellow left the room to get to his room back. 'Maybe I should apologize to black.. Maybe later, I want to watch something.' Lavender thought before leaving the room.

Let's go check up on black star, shall we?

~With black star~

Black is in the living room, still mad at his sister for y'know. He then heard a ding signaling him that someone is texting. He took out his phone to see who did. It was his boyfriend.

~Purple Venom~

>Darling, are you awake yet?

>Yes, I am.

>What's up with the dry text? Are you mad or something?

>Yes.. My sister found out about you because she's been going through my phone.

>Did you set a password in your phone? If you did, then how did see get into your phone?

>Listen, I don't know how she knows my password but what am I gonna do now she knows about me being gay?

>Being gay for me ofc.

>This is not a perfect timing for flirting, venom.

>Okay fine jeez. Did your little brother knows yet?

>No, my sister would never told a 11 years old let alone her little brother knows what gays even means.

>How about you told your sister to keep it as a secret for now. Sounds good?

>Alright, fine..

>Good! I need to take a shower now, text you later love.



Black is a bit calm now but still mad, maybe he could play cw to calm him down more.

~A few hours later~

It's was 2:37 p.m. and we haven't seen blue now haven't we? Let's go see him.

~With blue~

Blue is making a new potion for his collection to complete "Okay now I need to put some sugar to complete the sweet potion." Blue was trying to make a potion that can turn anything into sugary sweets!

"Oh almost forgot, I need a pink liquid. I think I saw it in the kitchen but it too far. Hmm.." Blue think for a moment before a light bulb went up his head. He still have the potion from when he was a witch (the 'witch' actual short) he take out them and throw them on the ground causing a portal to appears.

The portal will take blue to the kitchen with just going into it, blue then goes in the portal before ending up in the kitchen. He tries finding sugar. A few seconds later, he found the sugar and the liquid and head back to his room.

When he appears back in his room, he open the sugar packets to pour them inside the pot of potion. He was looking at the potion book while pouring the sugar and then the liquid in before stirring it all together.

He grabs an empty glass bottle and pour the potions into it. "Alright so.. If I drink this, I will be able to touch anything and turns them into candy! I'm so smart." Blue said before thinking something.

"I'm gonna drink them now since its gonna take a few hours for it to active." Blue spoke again before taking the new potion and drinking it.

While he waits, He goes to check up on his farm.

Oh poor blue...

didn't realize the sugar was pink...

~A few hours later~

It was now 4:21 p.m. and everyone is in the living room, watching something before they heard screaming. "What the.." Second said while everyone is confused "Wait is that.. Yellow?!" Green yelled out.

They then decided to see what's wrong with yellow.

~Yellow's room~

He was getting chased by blue but he was helping him just a second ago and then he was saying stuff like 'You're cute.' , 'I love you.' And some other things

Yellow then was block by the bookshelf in his room. Oh no.

"Blue- wait! Uhm." It was too late, blue is in front of him, standing a few feet away from yellow

"Love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, more..."

CG and the siblings is at the door frame, lavender and second were eating a popcorn while everyone else is shock "Where the hell did you get popcorn from?!" Red said to second.

"Uhm.. Guys! A little help here!" Yellow said to the others that he needs to be save, poor yellow. "You're on your own yellow, we're not dealing with this." "WAIT! HELP ME!!" They already left leaving those two together.

Blue smirk at yellow, I guess blue accidentally make a love potion oops.. Blue picks up yellow and throw him on the bed.

There's no way I would write a good smut so no smut for now. I need more learning.

Lavender is covering mint ears for obvious reason ofc. "Sis, why are you covering my ears?" "Uhm.. Well there's a really loud noise that will make you go deaf if you heard it at your age! Yep!" Lavender said as mint nodded.

~After that~

"Finally it over.." Dark said "I think blue might accidentally make a love potion, yellow probably couldn't walk right now-" red said a cartoonist sweat appears on his forehead. They went back to watching the tv since the noise is over.

"Blue you idiot.." Yellow said while panting "I'm your idiot." Blue hug him and then cuddled.

~The End Of Part 7~

This chapter is supposed to publish yesterday but I'm too mad to even finish but now it's finish, didn't go to school today that's why this one is early.

That's all, goodbye!

Word couth

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