Meeting Alan

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Got nothing to say so just go read<3


It's was 9:00 am and Second already with Alan trying to finish the animation last night. Let's go see the three other sleeping stick figure.

~With them~

Lavender and Mint were still sleeping meanwhile black already left the room. Lavender is awake now, still blinking to clear the blurry sight "What time is it... *yawn*" Lavender take out her phone and it's was 9:12 am.

"Hmm.. I'm hungry. Let's see if the others awake." Lavender said getting up and goes to the door, open the door and close it lightly so doesn't wake up Mint. Lavender walks to the kitchen to see blue cooking something "morning lavender!" Blue said.

"Morning blue." Lavender said, then they heard something growling from lavender. Lavender gone quite because still embarrassed "Seems like you're hungry" blue laugh quietly "Here you go." Blue spoke again while putting a plate in front of lavender.

It was bacon and eggs "Thanks blue." Lavender said before munching down. "No problem! Oh and today we're gonna introduce you to Alan." "Oh okay, sounds great.." Lavender was nervous because her last creator well.. Hurt her father.

"Well I'm gonna go now, bye!" Blue said waving and then leaves "Don't worry lavender. Maybe their creator isn't like your old one." Lavender turn around to see black.

"I know but I'm still a bit scared." Black put his hand on his sister's shoulder "I know you are, how about you go calm down for a bit while watching some lmk ok?" Black said and then lavender nodded.

Enough with them now let's go see what Alan and second are doing.

~With Alan~

Alan and second were working on a second animation. Second then type in:

[Hey Alan, I may or may not found some stick figures in your PC last night and I would like to introduce them to you.]

[Huh How did they get in my computer?]

[Well one of them said there was a remote with only one button in front of their door and when they press it, they're in you PC]

[Well I guess I could meet them, when are you gonna bring them here?]

[Oh I can bring them right now! Just wait here!]

Second then ran and then goes into the website.

~With second~

Second knock on the door waiting for it to be open, red open the door "Hey red, can you call the three over here?" Red then nodded and goes to call them. After a few minutes, red came back the the three

"Did you call us?" Said Mint to second "Alan want to meet you guys right now. Let's go." Second said. Lavender look even more scared but black reassure her that everything is gonna be ok. After that, they followed second to meet Alan.

~When they're arrived~

They arrived at the drawing web (idk what that's called). Alan then see the other unfamiliar stick figure.

[Alan, this is the people I want you to meet!]

Second type while the three approach him.

[Hey there, I'm Alan and may I know your names?]

"Uh second? Do we need to type or just tell him with voices?" Black ask "Oh right, I forgot about that.. Here!" Second gave them a typing tool

[Hello Alan, my name is Black star]

[My name is Lavender rose]

[And my name is Mint teal!]

[Nice to meet you guys, you can stay here as long as you like until you can get back your house.]

Three of them nodded, after lavender saw how nice Alan is, she is less scared of him. "You guys can watch if you want or just do whatever you want." Second then get back to animating.

Black and Mint goes back to the house meanwhile lavender watch the two animated.

~A few hours later~

Lavender hasn't been back from the drawing website and Mint is curious to know so he went over to them

~In the website~

Second and lavender were animating together, lavender ask Alan if he could teach her how to animated and Alan gladly did. Lavender were having so much fun with animating but hard to make.

"Is this good?" Ask lavender to second and then he nodded. Alan then take the typing tool

[Alright, that's all for today and it is 4:55 pm. You guys should get home now.]

[Alright Alan, see you tomorrow!] Lavender type

Second and lavender waves at Alan before going to the house.

~In the house~

After they were home, black ask lavender "You had fun with Alan today?" "Yep! He teach me how to animated and he's nice." Black smile seeing how happy his sister is.

"DINNER'S READY!" yelled blue to the others from the kitchen. All of them sat at the table, enjoying their food.

"I think I want to go to bed early, goodnight everyone." Mint said and the others said goodnight. "I hope tomorrow is gonna be like this!" Black smiles "It will, for now you need to sleep." "Ok goodnight!"

~End of part 2~

Why when I posted about this story in YouTube, it gets 600+ views but 0 readers. Anyway, this is a short one cause I didn't know what else to put so have this, byee!

Word counted
[883 words]

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