Searching for them

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I'M SO SORRYYYY I HAVEN'T BEEN POSTING LATELY!! I got busy with school and uhm, totally didn't forgot I have a story to update. Sorry that this chapter came sooo late.

Also warning:This one contain a teeny tiny bit of blood and then next one is gonna contain more so be prepared for that and for those who didn't feel comfortable reading that, you don't have to read it^^

Continue<3 (Sorry again)

After a minute or two, they all appears getting out of the portal and realizing that they are in a alley. "Yellow? I thought you set the location to the territory?" Second ask yellow through the headpiece "I just realized, I set the location of the world and not the territory.." Yellow said sounding disappointed.

"But don't worry! The territory is not far from you guys. I could sent the location to you." Yellow spoke again before sending them the location. "Alright, we can go now but remember to act normal." Black said to the group and everyone nodded.

The 8 of them walks out of the alley and acted like they didn't just come out of a portal while following Black who's leading with the map. After a while, they are still walking but upon walking, red saw that every random person who past by was looking at them weird.

"Hey blue? Did you notice how they look at us..?" Red whisper to blue quietly. "Yeah, they are looking at us weird." Blue said back in a whisper before bumping into green because every one of them stop walking. 'Wait. Why did we stop walking..?' Blue thought before looking at the group of people around them.

"Okay uh.. What's going on?" Venom said to the others confused on why so many people surrounding the group. "Wait, are you Alan Becker's creations?!" One of the random person said "Oh shit, I forgot Alan post us in his channel." Dark said while sweating.

The people were getting closer to them and starting to ask so many questions to the colourful stickfigures. 'Okay, this is bad.' Black thought but then the got an idea. "Alright. On the count of three, run." Black whisper to CG and thankfully they heard him.




Black yelled before Black, venom and the rest of CG run while looking for some place to hide. The random people also chase them down. They begin running for minutes until green spotted another alley beside a clothing shop "Over there!" Green shouted and all of them run to the alley with none of the people notice they went there.

After they hide in the alley with the people chasing them had past. They continue to take breathes. "Okay... I forgot- Alan- have a channel-" Red said while struggling. "Are you guys okay..? I heard some fast footsteps." Yellow said through the headpiece. "Oh, many people were chasing us earlier, good thing we lost them."

"Now, how do we get to that location if there's literal people chasing us?" Second said as they all began to think. Dark notice something 'Wait, we are beside a clothing store... Bingo!' "I think I have an idea!" Dark said to the group which they turn their attention to him.

"Okay so, we are beside a clothing store and either black or venom can go inside to look for something for us to disguise with." Dark explain and they seems to agree with him. "Alright, me and venom will go look for something in that store while you guys stay here and don't let people see you. Got it?" All except venom and black nodded.

Both of the... ahem, ✨gay✨ couple slowly walks out of the alley and goes to the store next to them. They go inside to be greeted by employees in there working.

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