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Yn was sitting with her head down on the table when she heard someone saying "Seems like someone's day is not good." She looked up and seeing Taehyung, she again put her head down saying " After all I saw your face." He sighed and asked her " What happen? Did someone say anything to you?" She looked up with an irritated face "Come to the point, why are you here?" " Ummm, Actually, I have a basketball match in the next class and I want you to come and cheer for our team." "And why would I do that when I have a Best friend?" "U have to or else face the consequences!" She looked up in a hurry and asked "What do you mean?" "I'll post those pics of yours which I took when you were sleeping in the cafeteria and then face your class mates." She stood up with a worried face " I-I will come, but please don't post those pics..." He smirked " That's like a good girl."

In the next class, she went to the basketball court with a poker face and sat the on side where Taehyung's team's cheer leaders and his fans were sitting. Seeing her, he smirked and started the game. Ryu Jin on the other side, seeing her not cheering for her team was death glaring her. Though Ryu Jin's team won the match, Taehyung was still very happy, while Ryu Jin was totally on fire and ignored Yn when she came to congratulate her. 


No-no-no, I again made her angry, now what should I do, I think I should definitely kick that Kim's a** and send him flying to Paris, but that won't make Ryujin happy.... GOD TELL ME WHAT SHOULD I DO???? (she shouted standing between the corridors) " You  should stop praising that stupid Kim instead of your best friend." I looked back and saw Ryujin. "Ryujinahh, you don't know my  situation, I-" "Fine-fine, I am not interested in listening your boring stories, instead, I forgive you but this is the last time, hear that?" I ran to her and hugged her tightly while she hugged me back "I'll never ever do that again!" Now it was time for me to take revenge from that Kim, but how? And even if I take revenge, I am pretty sure he'll post those pics of mine, so it's time to call Jennie!


Yn: Hey Jennie, how are you?     Jennie: Hi Unnie, I am good, what about you?     Yn: I am also good, actually I called you because I wanted your help, please don't say no....     Jennie: But first tell me what is it?     Yn: You know about those pics which your brother took in the cafeteria of me right?   Jennie: Yup     Yn: Can you please delete them? It's your Unnie's request, please don't say no Jennie....     Jennie: Ok I'll do it but you have to treat me with whatever I say on the upcoming Sunday, okay?     Yn: Yeah-yeah you don't worry about that but don't let your brother know about that     Jennie: Alright but why are you telling me to do so?     Yn: I'll tell you that later, right now I need to go so bye, and yeah, don't forget to do my work ok?     Jennie: Okay unnie bye.

Now just wait and watch what I'll do Kim Taehyung! You'll regret torturing me! or we can say....ummmmm......forcing yn to do your work!


In the evening, yn called all her friends for a sleepover and they all agreed. They were soon at her house. She asked everyone to help her set the living room for that night. After a while, she brought some snacks for everyone and they started watching a movie, but suddenly the lights turned off and everyone got startled. " I guess the electricity has gone" Yn said looking around. " And now what will do, It's so boring, we can't even watch TV." Taehyung said with a weird face. " I have an idea, let's play truth and dare, my all time favorite!" Everyone nodded and yn brought the bottle and started the game, the bottle first pointed at Jimin. "Truth or Dare?" everyone asked him. " Let's not take risk at the first chance, I'll take truth!" He Said confidently, but yn's words made him confused. " If you have to propose anyone one of us present here, whom would you choose?" Everyone was very excited to know his answer. "Well-well, so many beautiful ladies are present here which is making me confuse." He said with a flirty accent. Jimin noticed Taehyung death glaring him as Jennie was also present there, he was very concerned about her in these matters. 

" uh- ummm, I-I think I will c-choose ummmm, Taehyung! ya Taehyung...." Everyone present was shocked hearing Jimin's answer. " I didn't knew that you were gay." Ryu Jin said with a sarcastic look. Jimin at that time was regretting what he said. " Well even if he is, I have no problem but I would love to know Taehyung's answer, c'mon Taehyung, tell will you accept his proposal or not." Taehyung was about to say something but Jennie interrupted. " Why would he accept his proposal when someone-" she noticed Taehyung giving her death glares. " Jennie! Mind your words..." "Op-oppa I was j-just k-kidding, hahaha" Everyone except Yn and Ryu Jin knew about Taehyung's crush. " Stop defending yourself! C'mon Tae, tell who's your crush!" Taehyung at that time was totally melted hearing his nickname from yn's mouth and was lost in his dreams with yn. "Hello, I am talking to you Mr. Kim, Don't tell me that you're lost in her dreams, HELLO!" He got startled. "I-I no I m-mean-" "Calm down hyung!" Jungkook said winking at him. He calmed himself and then said with a cold expression. "I have crush on nobody cuz they aren't my type, and even if I have, why would I tell you Miss Min???"

" Fine leave it. Let's spin the bottle!" The bottle stopped on Jennie. " I'll take dare!" "You have kiss anyone's hand except me and Ryu jin." Yn said making her confuse. " Well-" Jennie was about to say something when yn interrupted " And ya, you can't choose Taehyung" Listening what she said, Taehyung was about to say but she stopped him also " Don't you dare utter even a single word, and if you do, she'll kiss on the lips instead of hand" Jennie sighed " ummm, I am closest to Jimin oppa and I think" she got up from her place and held Jimin's hand " I will kiss him" Her move made Jungkook set on fire and his ears became red, though she herself didn't knew the reason, but Ryu Jin was also a bit jealous. She got up and excused herself to the washroom. " C'mon Ryujin, at least see the climax!" Yn said with a pouted face. " I am not interested in these things, you guys may continue..." Yn sighed. "Leave her. Yes, Jennie, continue!" Jennie gently kissed Jimin's hand which made Jungkook shout. " YN! s-spin the bottle!" Yn understood the situation and giving Jungkook an evil smirk, she said "I guess he's right, let's spin the bottle!" and this time, the bottle stopped on yn.

" The demon got trapped in its own trap" Taehyung said with a smirk. "Did you say something!" Yn asked Taehyung angrily. He immediately shook his head. "I will take truth!" Jimin asked yn "Have you ever kissed anyone on someone's lip and if yes, who?" She nodded making everyone except Ryu Jin look at Taehyung. "Who?" Jungkook asked excitedly. "My dog Holly!" That made everyone's mood low except Taehyung who was showing off his boxy smile. "What, do you guys expect me to kiss some stranger or something?" They ignored her and spun the bottle and it stopped on the most awaited person, Kim Taehyung. "YES! Truth or Dare?" Yn asked him happily. He said that he'll take truth. "Your crush's name!" "I'll take dare" He changed his choice ignoring Yn's question. "Ugh, Alright! This dare is for tomorrow, you have to my PA for the whole day!" "And if you tell me to do this dare, I'll post those pics!" "Do it infront of me!" He was shocked hearing what she said. He took out his phone and started searching for the pics but they weren't there. " Umm, I'll do the dare" It made Her jump in excitement "Be ready, Kim Taehyung, for tomorrow!" He rolled his eyes but internally

Taehyung POV~

Sure, Mrs. Kim! (With a smirk)        

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