Chapter nineteen

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"Wilbur, I need it."

"No, you're not getting it."

"For fucks sake, Wil! I need to call my boss!"

"I'm not giving you my phone," the brunette huffed, then turned away from him, pulling out his phone and starting up some random mobile game.

"Dude, I literally don't know where mine is-"

"Sounds like a you problem."

"I'm going to make it a you problem if you don't let me call my boss right fucking now."

"And how are you planning to do that," Wilbur looked up from the stupid game and grinned smugly at Tommy, "there is literally nothing you could hold over me to make me change my mind."

The teen glared at him and then huffed, turning on his feet with a clear goal in mind. It was a far-stretched assumption that what he was going to do now would actually make the phantom give him his phone so he could call in to work and apologise. Hopefully, Karl hadn't fired him already. He shuddered as he thought about how Ranboo and Tubbo would react should he be allowed to return to the coffee shop.

Oh god. Tubbo.

Yea, he's going to get tackled, might even have to dodge one of these weird bombs. That is going to be unpleasant.

Wilbur's grin slowly slipped from his face as he realised that Tommy wasn't playing into his bullshit anymore and instead made his way up the stairs, walking past Techno who looked at him with an arched eyebrow.

"Where are you going?"

The avian ignored the question and with that, the phantom entirely, just smiled innocently and then continued walking up the stairs. It must've set off some kind of alarm bells since Wilbur immediately locked his phone and got up from where he'd priorly lounged on the sofa, the three of them waiting for the delivery service to bring their lunch. Or breakfast. Honestly, Tommy still wasn't sure what time it was.

He made his way up the stairs, eyes gliding over the picture on the wall and only briefly stopping when he spotted a woman with dark hair that he hadn't seen in any of the pictures downstairs. When he noticed that Wilbur was following him he just huffed and grinned and then made a mad dash up the stairs, hoping to confuse the brunette as much as possible.

It seemed to have worked as the phantom let out a confused noise and then tried to go right after him but failed as Tommy was simply too fast. Was his head still hurting and feeling like it was about to explode? Yes. Were the running and swift motions absolutely counterproductive in trying to ease the pain? Also yes.

But it would be worth it.

Because Tommy knew that Wilbur had left his guitar in the nest and somehow he knew that he could blackmail Wilbur to get him anything if he got his hands on the instrument. The avian wasn't sure if the brunette had caught on to what he was trying to do yet and didn't want to wait to find out either so he fully ignore when the brunette had almost caught up to him and instead rushed through the door which he knew led to the nest.

When Wilbur noticed that he'd gone into the nest he started cooing, "Aw, is the little chick mad? Does he need the comfort of the nest?"

Well, yes and no. He was angry and quite irritated at Wilbur but didn't necessarily need the comfort of the nest. Though it was a nice side effect to have the voices in his head quieten down upon setting foot on the soft floor. Tommy grinned when he spotted the guitar case and walked straight over, knowing that Wilbur still had a good couple of seconds to catch up to him and enter the nest.

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