Chapter 8

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This is the day of Phuwing birthday, early in the morning they prepared everything for Phuwing birthday.

Chef Mew was in charge of the menu of dishes while Gulf is busy arranging the table setting.

Gulf saw Phuwing parents and he run to hide.

"I forgot his parents are here, what I am gonna do?" Gulf said to himself.

While hiding Phuwing saw him and he approach Gulf.

"Why are you here?" Phuwing asks him with a serious voice.

"I don't know I forgot, maybe" gulf shuttered voice.

"My mom and dad will recognize you." Phuwing said with concern.

"Gulf, what are you doing here?" Mew was curious. 

"Hello, Chef Mew" Phuwing greeted him with a big smile, Mew's eyes got mad. 

"I don't know why are you always wanted to talk to my boyfriend" Mew proudly said and Phuwing smiled at Gulf. 

"Really? Boyfriend, Gulf?" He smiled at Gulf and teased him repeatedly. 

"Shut up, okay," Gulf said in an embarrassed way. 

"Oh! hey, you" Phuwing to the waiter. 

"Yes?" Pond said. 

"Are you free tomorrow?" Phuwing asked him. 

"No, why?" 

"Well tomorrow is my last day in Thailand I wanted you to guide me in different places," Phuwing said. 

"Oh.. come on Phuwing you grow up here," Gulf said, and the two laughed. 

"I forgot, seriously, I forgot," Phuwing said and he walk out. 

Phuwing birthday start the event he was very happy he saw Gulf was secure to hide his face not to see the face of Phuwing parents.

Phuwing parents are super kind but they are great friends of Gulf parents, if they saw Gulf here for sure they will tell Gulf parents that he was run away. 

Gulf stood still by the table, his heart pounding as he heard his name being called out in a familiar voice. He didn't look back immediately, not sure of what he was expecting. But when another voice chipped in, he turned to face them. It was Phuwing's brother and sister.

 Gulf smiled at them but their questions about what he was wearing made him nervous. 

 "I can explain but-" 

 "Gulf, what are you doing here? Serve the other visitor," came the voice of Pond, one of the restaurant staff. Gulf panicked at the thought of them finding out who he was. 

 "Wait, What did you say?" he stammered out. 

 "Ma'am, I'm sorry for being rude but he has to do his job," said Pond with a laugh before dismissing Gulf. He saw the relief on their faces as they joked around. 

 Gulf couldn't believe what had just happened and felt even more anxious when Mew entered and asked about the conversation. 

 "This waiter called Gulf, a waiter which is he not... He was the youngest son of the Patinpul Family," said Phuwing's brother bluntly. 

 "Gulf, did your parents know you're here?" asked Pond's mom as she joined in. 

 "I'm sorry," Gulf said meekly before walking away from the table with his head down. It wasn't easy pretending to be something that he wasn't.

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