Chapter 1

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My name is Gulf and I am the son of one of the richest families in our generation
the Patinpul family.

Gulf remember the day when he saw his father walking on the red carpet, waving at someone. He turned to his mother and asked her who that was and she told gulf that his father, the 3rd son of the Patinpul family.

Gulf was proud and was always a great feeling growing up in the shadow of such a successful man.

But this feeling of pride was short-lived. One day, they moved to the US  gulf had no idea why. His father said it was for their safety, that someone wanted him dead. Gulf was scared and confused, but he knew his dad was doing what was best for them because he loves his family.

now, gulf is  23 years old and they having a conversation in his father office because he wanted gulf to take over one of his company which is gulf didnt want to because he prefer computer designing and he got mad at gulf.

''Son, Gulf, you must do what I say--it's for your own good,"his father said, but Gulf was adamant.

''Dad, you know I never wanted to be like you or rule a company,'' he replied. His father, frustrated, approached him.

''Gulf, it's our family business--you must take it,'' he said.

''No. I'd rather leave here and pursue my own dreams. Can't you be happy for me for achieving my dream?''Gulf asked.

His father, visibly angry, shouted, ''I don't know why you're the only one who's always making me disappointed. Get out!''

Gulf walked out of his father's office to find his mother waiting for him. Tears were in her eyes.

''Gulf, why didn't you agree with your father?'' she asked.

''Mom, I told him I wanted to do something I liked, and he just got mad,'' he said, and hugged her.

''Gulf, I know you'll be a better designer than a businessman, and I always support you,'' she said.

Gulf was taken aback--his father had never said anything like that. He smiled and said, ''Thanks, Mom.''

A night fall when he was sneaking to his room he heard his mom and dad arguing about what happened in thailand.

"You never went to check the child if he was alive." Mom said his mom seems crying.

"What did dad do?" I asked my self.

When i was about to leave i heard again what dad said that give me chills.

"It was an accident it was your fault for giving me a divorce paper i was angry at that time because of your oldest son." Dad said.

Gulg got an idea, thats why they move to the US is not because someone was killing his dad it because his father wanted to runaway about his father crime. 

After that gulf tried to research about the accident but nothing is never been published that day. Maybe his father offered a money to the witness.

"Who is the boy?" Gulf was curious.

So he decided went to the thailand to find more clues of what happened and he wanted to know who is the boy and how he got survive the accident.

Theres a lot questions in his minds why his dad didnt take responsibility of what he did, gulf is searching for an answer.

He was disappointed and he thought he need to move on. But then, one day when he was at the market ,he saw a woman that looks familiar to him. He approached the woman and asked her if she knows anything about the accident that happened in Thailand many years ago.

The woman was shocked and she told Gulf that she is the maid of patinpul family but she dont know who is the survivor.

Gulf was surprised and asked the woman why no one is never heard about the accident.

The maid revealed that Mr. Patinpul offered money to the witness to keep silent about the accident.

She also revealed that gulf father had committed a crime and that is why he had to run away from Thailand.

Gulf was confused and he asked the maid why his father didn't take responsibility of his crime and the maid said that his father was scared that he will be punished severely.

The maid said that she never knew who is the boy. After that he stop for goods and enjoy his stayed in thailand.

Gulf had been traveling through Thailand for months, and he had grown used to the sights and sounds of the bustling country. But today he had gotten lost in a particularly narrow alleyway, and he was feeling a bit disoriented.

As he continued to wander, he suddenly stumbled across a small restaurant. He was tempted to go inside and ask for directions, and so he decided to take the chance.

Upon entering, he suddenly bumped into a man who looked like a chef. The man smiled warmly at Gulf.

"Are you okay?" The chef asked.

Gulf was still in a state of shock, but he managed to nod his head and utter a few words of thanks.

"Your new here?" He asked again.

"Actually i was looking for directions but i saw this restaurant---

"Well it my restaurant" The man then explained that he was the owner of the restaurant and asked if Gulf would like to come inside and have some food.

"Sure since i got hungry"Gulf was nervous, but he decided to accept the offer.

The food was delicious, and the man was friendly and hospitable. After eating, Gulf thanked the man for his kindness and asked for directions back to his hotel.

The man explained the way back, and Gulf was soon able to find his way back to his hotel.

Gulf went back to the restaurant the next morning with a determination to get a job. He looked around and saw the man who had helped him the night before. He smiled at him, and the man smiled back.

''Your back again?'' the man asked.

''Yes, I really liked your food here and I thought I'd try and get a job if that's okay with you?'' Gulf explained that he needed the money to help support himself.

''Well, as you can see, I think I need more waiter here,'' the man said. He introduced himself as Mew Suppapit and handed out his hand for a handshake.

Gulf quickly changed his surname, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention. He knew he needed to keep as low-key as possible.

''My name is Gulf Kanawut,'' he said and Mew welcomed him in..

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