Chapter 2

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Gulf was working hard while Chef Mew stared at him. He tried not to make eye contact, but Gulf was curious why Mew was staring at him. Finally, he decided to break the silence.

''Why are you staring at me?'' he asked.

Mew replied, ''You look tired, why don't you give yourself a break?''

Gulf shook his head in reply. ''I'm okay, Chef.''

But he felt dizzy and weak. Mew saw this and held his hand, guiding him to the locker room . 

''See, you didn't listen to me,'' Mew said in a concerned voice.

He touched Gulf's forehead and realized he had a fever. Suddenly, Gulf felt butterflies in his stomach. His heart raced as Mew touched him and showed him care. It dawned on him that he was in love with Mew.

Mew noticed the way Gulf was looking at him and knew he was feeling something. But Mew wasn't sure how to react. He smiled and said, 

''You need to rest, here''

Gulf was too shy to say anything, Mew was about to say something, but he just smiled and said. 

"Don't go tomorrow you need to rest" Mew said to gulf. 

Mew took care of him and stayed by his side until he feels fine,

"But Chef, I'm totally fine, I will take medicine, but I will be fine" Gulf said and Mew ignore him. 

Gulf didn't want to miss a day of work, but he also understand that he needs to take care of himself. He finally agreed to take a day off, although he was feeling uneasy and anxious. 

Gulf was having trouble breathing and, despite wanting to avoid the medicine, he knew his only hope was to take it. Reluctantly, he opened his mouth and swallowed the pills.

"Take this medicine" Mew said.

Mew watched as Gulf swallowed the pills with a grimace. He knew how hard it was for Gulf to take it, but it was the only chance he had to get better.

''I'll take you home later,'' Mew said.

Gulf nodded, unable to speak. After Mew talked to his employee, he went to Gulf, Mew helped him up and slowly walked him to his car. He opened the door and gently helped Gulf sit inside.

As Mew drove Gulf home, he noticed how weak and frail Gulf's body had become since the illness began. He silently prayed for the medicine to work and for Gulf to get better soon.

When they arrived at Gulf's house, Mew helped him out of the car and into the house. As Mew watched Gulf slowly make his way inside, he knew he had done the right thing. With any luck, the medicine would help Gulf get back to his usual self.

Mew took care of him all day, he cooked his favorite meals, prepared him hot tea and read magazines as he rests on the couch. He was so thankful for Mew's kindness and care. 

They talked until late at night and Gulf finally agreed to take a break from work for a while. The next morning, when Gulf woke up, he felt much better. He thanked Mew for taking care of him and apologized for being stubborn.

 Mew smiled and said, ''It's alright, your health is more important than anything else, so take care of yourself.'' Gulf nodded and promised to take better care of himself. 

Tomorrow morning Gulf woke up he saw Mew was holding his hand, he smiled at Mew but he back in reality and question himself why he smiled at him, Mew moves a little, it was a strange sensation that had crept up on him, one that made his heartbeat faster and his cheeks flush with warmth. 

He pretended to still be asleep, hoping that when he opened his eyes, the feeling would be gone. Mew's tender touch on his head made Gulf's heart skip a beat. He wanted to take his hand away, but something was stopping him. He tried to focus on anything else, but all he could think about was Mew.

Mew slowly removed his hand, and Gulf opened his eyes. Their eyes met, and for a while, the world seemed to stand still. Gulf felt like his heart was going to burst. Gulf started to blush, and Mew felt something too. The moment was broken when Mew whispered,

" I'm sorry'' and walked away. 

Gulf was left wondering what had just happened, and why it made him feel so strange. 

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