My "Little" Secret Isn't A Secret Anymore!

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Hi everyone this is my new story and i hope you like it. If so please vote or comment.

Thanks just for reading!!!




"You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream, the way you turn me on, I can't sleep!"

I rolled over on my bed to pick up my phone. I already knew who it was . Only my best friend has that ringtone. She loves that song so much, I just had to get it for her.

"Yes Megan?"

" Help! Sick and drunk at the party" she said but it came out as "helps druwank at pprarty."

I knew she shouldn't have gone to that party. She doesn't know how to hold her liquor. And yes this is not the first time we have gotten drunk, but i can hide mine very well. Megan is 15, a freshmen in high school and my best friend. We have been bestfriends every since we were babies eating each other's feet.

My first words were her name " Meg" and her's was " CJ". We do every thing together, but party. I have a lot of friends and I'm popular,I just don't care to party. Mostly because I get tired of boys trying to hit on me and people making out right in front of me. I mean, no type of space between each other.

Plus when it's the players of the school's party .I mean they already owned that school and they were just freshman. The Jay's already had a name, five hot and sexy werewolf boys. Together, their jerks but when they're apart, they're ok.

Jay-den ,he's the head of the group and always a jerk. He hit's on girls then drops them in an blink of an eye. When he's done with you and gets what he wants, he moves on to the next one. I feel bad for them. Then again, they know what they're getting into when they mess with fire coming from the J group ring.

See I have been with these boys since, what? 4th grade. I was in private school at first. They were really nice, until they got together. Caring , funny, cool, and not so cocky. But once they met everyone's world changed. Then, they had "Players" written all over them.

"OK I'll be right there."

I got up, put on some seven jeans with a dark AERO hoodie. I flew out the door before I could be asked any questions. My mother was in our overly large living room, while my sister was hiding out in her room, most likely with her boyfriend. My brother Chase, no where to be found. Chelsea my younger sister was just sitting in our back yard.

The party was in the next neighborhood. We have two packs In this town. One, my father is the alpha and the other.... well, let's just say i wouldn't want to be ruled by a big egoistic jerk (Jay-den!) He's next in line, after his father. It took me about 10 minutes to walk to the party.

It was about 10:30 at night. It was a nice place, full of nice people, but the big part that sucks is that they love to gossip. There was woods all around. But my father had more in his territory . The Shiloh ( shy-low) Pack is the strongest pack and has been for centuries.

My father is a strong leader. He has to be, because there's always someone there waiting for him to slip up. The Black Sky pack is the second strongest and the pack Jay-den's father is Alpha of. My family and his have always been friends. Except I was never around long enough to get to know them that well. Well, sometimes if I'm forced.

I, Camile Jackson, know as C.J... walked in to the party and was greeted by almost everyone. I saw beer bottles everywhere. The music was blasting. There was people grinding against each other in the middle of the ballroom sized dance floor. I saw a girl I know and went up to her.

"Ashley, have you seen Megan?" She told me that she was in the back bathroom. And sure enough, when I got there she was throwing up in the toilet.

" Ah Meg I like that shirt" See as we share everything, stories, secrets and sometimes it goes as far as pain. I picked her up and was about to leave when somebody blocked the door.

" Oh Wow..CJ..has decide to grace us with her presents at our party boys." Jay-den said with the biggest smirk on his face. It made me sick to my gut to have to look at him. He never spoke to me and when he did , it was to embarrass me.

" Not now jay-den "I said through gritted teeth. "Now move.....please" I said the last part lowly.

" You know you look hot. How about you show me what's under that hoodie." He said eyeing me up and down. If I didn't have Megan in my hands i would have slapped that stupid smirk right off his face.

"Agh piss off " I was about to go for the door again when Megan threw up on his shirt.

"You DUMB .." he trailed off as he went to hit her but I ducked her body so he would miss. You could tell that he had a lot to drink. Jay-den took of his shirt, stained with Meg's food and threw it on his bathroom floor.

" TAKE HER HOME" he yelled with nothing but pure annoyance in his eyes.

"I WAS WHY ELSE WOULD I BE HERE?" i shouted right back at him.

" Oh no. Not you ..lets have some fun!"

"If you touch me" I paused for dramatic effect, "I will kill you," I said trying to hide the fear In my voice. He didn't back off. His devious smile tells me that he has something elew on his mind. I mean I'm strong but this was five almost fully shifted male werewolves. They are probably out of there mind drunk. See you are not fully shifted until you are 17. That is when for a male you can find your mate. Females are at 18.

He smirked.

" Jace take her home. Jordan, James grab her."

And before I could run they had me, and Megan was gone. At that moment, all I wanted to do was murder them all. They tend to do dum sh** when they're pissid drunk. What's worse is that they never get in trouble for the stupid things they do.

"Open your mouth." I gave him a hell no look. Why would I open my mouth?I didn't because I knew James was the type to drug someone.He grabbed my jaw and forced some type of round purple pill in my mouth. My wolf was trying to fight back, but just getting weaker. It was yelling at me to stop the pain it was enduring.

" Don't bother, your wolf can't help you know. That pill stop's your wolf for a good five hours "

" Let me go you jerk" i was getting tired at this point.

" No can do sweetie. See it was either you or your friend. And she's sick Sooo.." That's when I started to fight. Kicking, screaming anything I can think of but no one came. The music was too loud for anyone to hear me.

They pushed me in a room. Josh was there with a camera. James and Jordan held me down to the bed. Jayden standing in front of me with a big smirk on his face. He walked over to the door and locked it. It shut with a loud clicking sound. My vision was becoming blurry from being scared.

" Don't fight it it will all be over soon," he cooed in my ear.

And with that he took my innocents in front of three other boys. Starting with ripping off my jeans then my undies. I hated the cold breeze i was feeling. Scared sh** less. And there was nothing I could do to stop him.

The tragic part is that I can remember every little detail. Even though I tried to block it out. I always thought that my prince charming would come and save me but NO ONE ever did.

I cried the whole time and begged him to stop.

But no, he didn't. Now I have to live to know that he is an unwelcome part of me. An

he can always relive this moment because they got it all on tape.









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