My "Little" Secret Isn't A Secret Anymore!-CHAPTER 2- The Get Away!

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When Jay-den was done he threw my pants at me and collapsed on the bed next to me. The two boys that were holding me, were passed out on the floor.

Jay-den told them to let me go, and they did and just passed out. He took about an hour doing dirty things to me. Afterwards, I just got my things and left as fast as I could. I couldn't stay longer. The sheets felt like spikes under my body. They were digging into my skin, just causing more pain.

The party was still going and getting bigger by the minute. I pulled my hood over my head In shame and walked out of the door. Why did I have to be so weak? Why couldn't I have fought back, stood my ground and kept my sweet, sweet childhood? I felt like the mud and dirt on the bottom of my shoe.  

I kept my head down, my tears falling freely. I stopped when I knocked into a wall. Then arms reached out to help me out. Oh it wasn't a wall, it was Jace. He tried to look at me through my hair, "Oh shit CJ, are you okay?"

I ignored his question and asked if Megan got home safe. He replied with a 'yes' and repeated his question. Right away, I turned around and started to walk away, but he grabbed my arm. I turned and punched him right in the nose. I just lost it, I turned again and ran. I just ran and didn't stop. I ran out the house and I ran all the way to my house. I had to sneak in since I didn't notify anyone before leaving.

 I had so much anger built up that i needed to cool off. But the real reason why I was mad was because it was my fault. I didn;t do anything to make them stop. I just let him use my body.

I sat down on my bed begging for someone, anyone, to make my pain go away. Then I got up and walked out to my sister, china's room.I walk in to find her asleep with her boyfriend, who shouldn't be here. Matt was funny and COOL so I never told on her.Well, to my knowledge they never had sex.

 Oh God! That thought brought new, fresh tears to my face.

 I walk to her side of the bed. She looked peaceful and for a second I didn't want to wake her up, just to place pain on her shoulders.

 "China" i said touching her nose. She jumped out her sleep. She looked at me for a while. Then, got up and hugged me. She had a confused face expression on.

 " What's wrong honey?"

 See I love my sister because she was always there for me. Even thought she was only a year older than meS she always was the overprotective sister.But she can act so much younger than me at times..  well mostly all the time.

 " We need to talk. Now."

 " OK let's talk" she said raising her eyebrow. She was trying to guess why I'm here at this time of night.  I sat on her floor and wrapped my arms around my legs and cried silent . I rocked back and fourth. I just wish it never happened.

 " Sissy please tell me what's wrong. I never saw you like this" by now Matt was up.

 " Matt please leave!"I said quietly without even making face contact.

I'm pretty sure that my face was red swollen and puffy. I guess he could see I really need my sister right now. So he kissed her on the head and jumped out her window. I sat there and told my sister the whole story. By the end we were both crying. Mine was from pain and guilt and  her's was from anger. She wanted to kill them but I made her promise to not say anything and just let it go. Just comfort me.

 She promised but I knew she was going to hit them or something tomorrow.Friday the day before the week end. My sister had her own bathroom, just as the rest of us. As I cried she gave me a bubble bath . I felt as I was never going to be cleaned, and most of all, wished this night never happened.

 She washed my light blond hair and just kept wiping away all the tears. She told me numerous amount of times, that it wasn't my fault. She told me that i can't help it if I'm very beautiful. She told me that the gods gave it to me for a reason. But when i asked her why did they choose this path for me? She closed her eyes and said "Only time could tell."

 I got dressed and decided I wanted to sleep with my mother. I wanted to be protected by her love.My father was gone on some alpha duties so Mom would be all alone. My sister and I went downstairs and got in the over-sized bed . To my surprise, mom was up. She looked worried, and frightend.

 "What's wrong Ma?" My voice was a little shaky when I asked I her.

"I don't know. You tell me.. Why did you come in this house at 12?!"

" It was nothing, just went for a walk and lost track of time." I lied. She gave me the bull**** face.

" I heard you two talking" she said, almost pleading. I could tell what she wanted. She wanted to know about tonight.About every thing that happened. She wanted me to repeat it all over again. I'm not sure i could do it without breaking down. AGAIN.

 " Mommie I'm so sorry, just please don't tell daddy. Please he will start a whole war and I can't have that. Two alpha children at war when there packs are  best-friends. Mom please just don't tell him this can just be a girls' thing. It will just go away"

 I gave her my best puppy face. She exhaled and I knew I had won. But behind her mask i knew there where thousands of unanswered and unasked question.

 "Ohh honey you know you could have told me. I am your mom and I will always stand by your side. I love you sweetie and I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

 She was full out crying now. My sister cuddled up to her and waited till she stop crying. Her sobs broke thought her chest, vibrating against my body. She hugged me tight.Then I told her the story so that she could know everything. I made here swear that life will  go on." No one will ever speak a word of this," I looked at both of their sad expresseions as they nodded a yes.

I was so happy that it was spring break next so I didn't have to go to school.

I will just skip Friday and put the pieces to my life back together again.

 Little did I know that this would never be the end of my reminder of what happened that night. 

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