fresh start and fresh faces

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The sun began its descent, casting a warm, golden glow across Mabel's dorm room. She stood amidst the sea of unpacked belongings, her fingers tracing the familiar contours of her childhood possessions. The room felt both foreign and full of potential, a canvas waiting to be painted with new memories.

Mabel's mind swirled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness as she wondered how she would navigate this new chapter of her life. With a determined spirit, she set about organizing her belongings, creating a space that felt a little more like home.

As the evening settled in, the dormitory became quieter, the bustling energy of the day giving way to a sense of tranquility. Mabel found herself alone in her room, the soft glow of her desk lamp illuminating her surroundings. The comforting scent of chamomile tea filled the air, calming her nerves as she sipped from a steaming mug.

Lost in her thoughts, Mabel gazed out the window, observing the dance of stars in the night sky. It was in this moment of solitude that a mixture of excitement and homesickness washed over her. She missed the familiar comforts of her small town, the friendly faces, and the routines she had grown accustomed to.

Just as melancholy began to settle within her, a gentle knock on the door interrupted her reverie. Mabel's heart skipped a beat, anticipation coursing through her veins. With a soft exhale, she rose from her desk and opened the door to find her next-door neighbor, Blake, standing there with a warm smile.

"Hey there, I'm Blake and I live in the room just across from you" Blake greeted, her voice exuding friendliness and warmth. "Thought I'd head over and introduce myself! Mind if I come in?"

Mabel's face brightened with a genuine smile, feeling a surge of relief and gratitude for the friendly face that stood before her. "Of course, come on in, I'm Mabel."

Blake stepped inside, her presence filling the room with an easygoing energy. Mabel couldn't help but notice her tousled auburn hair, her eyes sparkling with mischief, and a genuine kindness that emanated from her. "Wow, I forget how plain these rooms are without any decorations! My walls are absolutely plastered with posters and prints, feels weird to see walls with nothing on them".

"Yeah, I'm not too sure what to fill them with yet, maybe a few Harry Styles posters I'm thinking" Mabel responded.

"Shut up, you're not just incredibly hot, but also a Harry Styles fan? Damn girl we will get along good as anything".

Mabel chuckled at this comment, feeling comfortable and less anxious by the fun and energised energy she felt emitted from Blake.

As they settled onto Mabel's freshly made bed, the two began to chat about their backgrounds, their dreams, and the shared excitement and nerves that came with starting a new chapter at Oakridge Academy. Mabel discovered that Blake hailed from a small town on the West Coast, and her passion for photography and adventure mirrored her own.

With each passing moment, Mabel felt a sense of connection blossoming between them. They laughed, shared stories, and realized that they were both seeking something more than what they had left behind. In Blake, Mabel found a friend, someone who understood the mix of emotions that came with stepping into the unknown.

Hours slipped away as they talked late into the night, sharing their hopes, fears, and dreams. They discovered shared interests and quirks that made them laugh, creating a bond that felt as if it had been forged over years rather than mere hours.

"Shit, I better head back to my dorm, we're not supposed to sneak into other peoples rooms" mentioned Blake. "Well not as if they've ever caught me sneaking into dorms on the boys floor, but gotta play it safe. Sleep well Mabel, catch you tomorrow."

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