am I making you this wet?

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The following morning arrived. I stretched and yawned, the memories of last night's heartfelt conversation with Blake and Daisy came rushing back. Their unwavering support and understanding had reminded me of the strength that lies within friendship. I knew that no matter what obstacles I faced, they would be by my side.

I rose from my bed and began my morning routine. The sound of water splashing against the sink echoed in the otherwise quiet room.

After getting dressed, I made my way to the dining hall. As I entered the bustling room, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon greeted my senses, reminding me that the day was already in full swing.

I spotted my friends at our usual table, their smiles radiant and welcoming. They waved me over, beckoning me to join them.

Just as I sat down and joined my friends, a tap on my shoulder startled me. I turned around to see Kai standing there, a playful smile dancing on his lips. "Hey there, sleepyhead," he teased. "Why aren't you sitting with me today?"

Finn, who was seated across from me, tensed up at the sight of Kai. I could sense the faint flicker of annoyance in his eyes, but he tried to conceal it behind a tight-lipped smile. "Looks like you and Kai made up quickly," he remarked, his tone laced with a touch of sarcasm.

I felt a mix of emotions bubble up inside me—guilt for the way I had left things with Finn, confusion over my own feelings, and a desire for things to return to a semblance of normalcy. I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself.

"Kai, I... I was thinking I'd sit here today," I said, my voice filled with sincerity.

Kai's eyes softened, and he reached out to gently touch my hand. "No worries, Belly."

Finn cleared his throat. "Yeah now fuck off from our table."

Kai's playful grin faded into a more serious expression. "Oh, you want me to leave huh?" he replied, his voice tinged with irritation. "Well, how about this? I'll join your table, and we can all have a little chat."

I could sense the tension building, and my heart sank at the brewing conflict. But I also knew that avoiding the situation wouldn't lead to a resolution. I took a deep breath, mustering the courage to speak up.

"I mean, thats not a bad idea, hey? Maybe you two can finally try and tolerate each other." I say.

Daisy shuffles to the right opening a space beside me for Kai. "I think thats a good idea, it's nice to have a fresh face on the table right?" she replied.

"Whatever" Finn mumbled as he stared down at his plate.

As Kai settled down next to me at the table, the mood lightened even more. Our friends greeted him with warm smiles and friendly banter resumed. It was as if a weight had been lifted, and we could all focus on enjoying our time together.

Amidst the laughter and conversations, Kai couldn't resist his mischievous nature. He leaned over and playfully reached for a piece of my toast, attempting to steal it from my plate. I swatted his hand away with a laugh, feigning offense.

"Hey, hands off, mister! That's my breakfast," I teased, trying to protect my plate.

Kai raised his hands in surrender, a cheeky grin spreading across his face. "I couldn't resist, Belly. Your food always looks too tempting."

Finn, his expression relaxing slightly, joined in on the lighthearted banter. "Yeah, Kai, don't push your luck. You know Mabel can be fiercely protective of her breakfast."

I couldn't help but smile at Finn's comment, appreciating the subtle hint of possessiveness in his tone. It reminded me that his feelings for me still lingered, even amidst the complications we faced.

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