The Change

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You changed everything in my life , everything.

My likes , dislikes, the way I see you... everything, it all changed.


I never used to like sweets, the sweetness used to taste bitter for me.

But it all changed when  you came around, the bitterness started to disappear leaving just a bitter-sweet taste.

It wasn't fully sweet nor was it fully bitter, bitter-sweet that's what it was.

I never liked the colour pink , it seemed to girly and annoying, a little too bright and vibrant for my dull life .

But you changed that too.

I don't remember since, when I fell for that colour but it was all because of you.

Because Pink was your hair colour, because it reflected you , your enthusiasm, your cheerfulness, your happiness your everything...

I never felt annoyed or distressed by that colour again.
It brought colour to my black and white life.
Brightness to my dullness,
And happiness to my miserable life.

I never liked physical touches.
Well, I still don't, unless they are from you.

It doesn't get uncomfortable or weird or awkward when you touche me ... I like it actually.

I like it when you touch me , hug me or kiss me.

I love it all .

I love being with you

I love you .

I will kill any man who tries to get close to you. I will chop of the hands of those who try to touch you, I will pierce those eyes that even look towards you , I will tear those mouths that speak shit about you.

You are only mine.
I will never let anyone take you from me.

I love you Sakura.
You mean everything to me ,
You're the reason my heart still beats and that my soul's still here, inside my body.

I will never fall for anyone but you , you're the only one for me, and always will be.

You the light that illuminates the darkness within me.
The healer of my broken heart,
The brightest star of my darkest night ...its you , Sakura, only you.

So ,wait for me while I'm gone, please don't fall in love with someone else, please don't love somebody , who isn't me.

I know it might take a while for me to get back from my mission but I will never take you off my mind .

That's why here I am writing all of this , cause as you know I'm not good at expressing my feelings verbally.
I don't know what to say or when to say and thats why I end up hurting your feelings.

But I love you Sakura, I really do...

So please wait for me .

Sasuke Uchiha ~

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