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Everything's dark.

She tried to open her eyes but to no avail. Where is she? Is she already dead? But those questions were neglected quickly by the horse's sound that she heard and the scent of plantations that she smelled. Don't forget to include that her hands and feet were tied by ropes as well.

O damnation to hell.

She tried to wake up, but it seemed that the effect of the drug hadn't worn out perfectly. Now, she focused on the other senses she had. It could be concluded that she was inside a carriage, and she was surrounded by lots of fragrant plantations.

My God, was she in Forestworth? Then, there were mostly three potential places that could be the destination for her abduction. Berg, Hollodal, Adelbern. She only had to pick one.

She had some disputes with Berg a few weeks ago. But was it worth calling a dispute when she merely asked the old man to move back a few steps when they were dancing the waltz in that Annual Ball? Well, maybe not merely asking, but more of a warning.

She also didn't have any connection with the Hollodall, the richest and most mysterious family on Mainland.

And Adelbern, huh... Well, she had a long history with the man, she thought. But she didn't know which part would enrage the handsome man.

But before she could think more, the carriage halted to a stop, and she heard that the door of the carriage burst open.

"Damnation, what's going on here? I thought that I told you to escort her gentlemanly, Harlan?" a baritone sound of a man was starting to enter her ears properly.

"Ekhem... It's perfectly, Duke."


"You ask that the task was done perfectly, Duke."

"So what?" He responded, his tone indicating that he didn't know where this conversation could go.

"I thought your definition of perfectly is that we bring her here, in one piece, alive, Duke."

After that, she could only hear someone's ragged breathing for a bit while. Or sighing, whatever it was.

"Go fetch the head of the butler here, Harlan, before I could chop off yours."

"Yes, milord, right away, milord." And she could almost see the salute gesture right there. Then, she heard running steps going further before she felt like she was lifted-princess style-by hands that she knew too well.

She also recognized both voices perfectly, as she should. How could she not when one of the owners of the two voices turned out to be her ex-husband whom she had divorced 2 years ago?

And the place that now she 100% sure would be her destination was no other than Adelbern Dukedom.

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