Chapter-35 Unexpected But Best {The End}

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After done showering with the help of her mother-in-law,y/n was laying down on bed with the same book in her hand with an intention to finish it by today.

Thankfully,no one disturbed her until it was lunch time. And once again Mrs Jeon did the job of delivering food in her room. She told her to enjoy the food and left the room. Y/n was eating silently when something strikes her mind.

She quickly look around and grabs her phone which was beside her only. However,she was not sure if she should call or not. What if he is in meeting? But she just wants to confirm if he ate his lunch or not. After thinking a lot,y/n finally tapped on the familiar phone number with a little plan in her mind.

"Two!" Her mind counted tightly clutching the mobile placed on her ear.
"Three!" She was all set to cut the call when a voice from other side said.

"Hello!" Her breath hitched and she was not in the condition to speak.
"Hello!" The deep voice once again echoed in her ear. She is not able to process anything,her mind was blank. It's like every single word got erased from her memory.

"I know it's you y/n." And now there is no chance left for her except to answer. The girl gathered her all courage,take some deep breaths, straightened her posture and after doing all this only a small whisper came out from her mouth.

"Hlo!" She gulped when she heard his throaty chuckle.

"Are there any goons behind you?" She looked around as her eyes frantically searched for someone else's presence in room except herself.

"Aniyoo! I am alone in the room."
"Then why are you whispering?" Y/n realized what she was doing and slap her forehead for acting like a stupid.

"Hehe!" She giggle in embarrassement.
"Why did you call?" Now here is the toughest question of her life.

"I just wanted to ask,have you had your meal?" The nervousness was clear in her voice.

"Had already. What about you?"
"I am eating right now." Jungkook hummed in response. There was silence for the next few seconds when jungkook spoke again.

"Is your ankle is still paining?"
"N-no it's better now." Y/n answered slowly as her eyes fall on the head peaking inside. Their both eyes met.

"You want something. I am on my way, I'll take I...." Jungkook didn't completed his sentence when he hear her.

"Am I disturbing you?"
"Not at all, jungkook I'll talk to you later." And she ended the call unthinkingly.

"Jimin-ah what are you doing outside? Please come." Y/n softly said. Jimin came inside with a nervous smile.

"I hope I am not being a disturbance."
"Ah no no. Of course not."

"Oh yeah,by the way what were you doing that you lost track of time? It's going to be evening soon." Jimin said approaching near her.

"Nothing special,just wanted to finish this book." Y/n said showing the book in her hand.

"You seems to love books,am I right?" Jimin guessed and y/n chuckled.

"You guessed right. What are you standing,sit down." Y/n said as she noticed her friend is still standing. Jimin nodded and seated down on the chair placed beside bed.

"How is your ankle now?"
"It's healing and the pain also reduced. You can say I am doing much better than yesterday."

"Expected,after all your husband is taking care of you so much and carrying you everywhere in his arms." Y/n's eyes widened at his words and jimin smiled teasingly.

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