The three of them were at their limits upon obtaining victory they look at each other and say "We need to become even stronger stronger then we ever thought possible only then can we make it to the top" however in all honesty the only one that really wouldn't be able to make it was Albedo Judgement could have done it with his Plot Armor and everything he could manage but then would be powerless after reaching it to the top and God could do it and easily remain at peak ability through his Infinite lives and all the traits he had. However Judgement wouldn't go without his companion and Savage wouldn't go without Albedo and so they returned to their home level and began to train like never before in a training chamber they built by combining their power.
After Story after story arks full
FantasyThis is the full after story after the first after story lol thought I might reward my readers with this extra treat so I hope you all enjoy.