What A Mess...

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"Have you decided yet Sir?"

He gave me this look that I don't know if I should be falling on my knees praising or backing away and crying in a corner. His strong and dark voice started talking, making my mind focus on that and not my imagination, "I will take the Apple American Pancakes with minimal syrup, and a black coffee."

"Yes Sir, and that will be all?"

"My parents will be here in a while, but they will not be eating."

"Alright, I will be out with your food in no time!"

He nods and I walk away with a grin.

I'll be making his food!

~Time Skip brought to you by Aizawa with his hair up~

I come back with his food, and many other customers as well, "I'll be with you in just a minute Sir!" After I gave everyone their food I finally got to serve Raven.

"Here you go, Mr. Tokoyami!"

"Thank you Hasabira."

I gave him a tired smile. He nodded and started eating his food. Just a second later I see two people walk in the door. They had foul frowns on their faces until they spotted Tokoyami. As soon as Raven was spotted, that frown was turned into the biggest smile I have ever seen, "Fumikage! You're alive!!" Shouted the woman.

"I thought you might have died in the entrance exam boy!" The old man laughed.

He slightly shakes his head and continues eating. I made my way over to their table, "Is there anything on the menu you would like to eat?"

"Oh no dear, we are just going to steal off our son's plate." She smiled brightly at me.

I smiled at her back. "Alright, then I'll just leave the bill here for when you're done, Sir."

The father giggled, "Here that boy? You're a Sir!"

30 minutes after Raven's parents arrived I saw that all three of them were gone, my shift was over anyway so I had to leave. I didn't even get to talk to him that much. I had to get back to Kai anyway.

"Bye Poppa! See you tomorrow!"

"No you're not."

"Um, yes I am-"

"I'm firing you."

"WHAT WHY?!" I started to hyperventilate.

Did I do something wrong? Was I rude to the customers? Can I fix it? What is going on?

"You are going to the U.A., right? Can't work here if you're training and studying right?"


"B-But sir-"

"No buts. You are still welcome at any time with a discount on all orders and meals. Now I know with that quirk and big brain of yours I know you are getting in."

Without another word Poppa shoved me out of the restaurant, forcing me to go home, back to the cat I call Kai. I walked out to Omondi (The Trucks name), opened the door, said my last goodbyes to the Abysse, and finally started the truck and left. 

Kai was waiting for me at the front door with a grin on his face, "What's up Shōbug?"

"What are you doing in your underwear? You know there are a lot of rich people in this area who would buy and sell you to see that right?"


I sigh. What am I going to do with him?

Mother, Father, and Caprice should be asleep by now, I mean it's almost past 10:00. Walking in the door I saw that the place was a mess. Mother and Father must have had another late-night fight. I dropped my bag by the front door and started picking up the clothes, pots, pans, and necklaces off the floor. Kai walked back down (with pants) the stairs and saw the mess.

"Hey, why are you picking this stuff up? Don't you have butlers and maids to do that?"

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