(Mason) CHAPTER 54

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"All we ever did was to protect you, Mason. We never meant to hurt you!" my mother cries, pressing her hand firmer onto the wound of my father. His eyes grow heavy, losing slowly focus.
"Enough with the fucking bullshit, mother!" I growl, my voice louder than I'd intended to.
She winces, her eyes shocked that I just shouted at her. I never, not once in my life, disrespected my mum. And now that I did, something in me breaks. Because I not only lost all the respect I had for my parents. I lost my love to them too. And it hurts.
"For once in your fucking lifetime," I say lowly and almost sad. "Tell me the truth. Tell me everything. I know the world isn't black and white. It is cruel and unforgiving." Just like me.
A tear slides down Candice's cheek. Beaten she nods and then, finally starts to spill all their darkest secrets.
She knows father doesn't has much time left. And this way, is the only of survival.
"It started all the day you've met Fay." she begins, her eyes traveling to my wife. My heart stops beating at the mention of Fay, my eyes immediately searching for her. Her eyes connect with mine, seeming to be just as shocked as I am.
"Her parents weren't some normal people who decided to leave her life." Candice takes a small pause. A pause that has my mind racing for answers. "They were people of important business. Our business. Bad people who had a soft spot for their daughter." an unamused laugh escapes her lips. "It is never good for people like us to have a weak spot. But most of us always do. Fay was there's. They gave up on her, to save her and their business. They decided to leave their child alone, because she was their soft spot."
My focus wander to Fay. Her green eyes are glistening with unshed tears. My heart breaks at the sight. I want to take all the pain she feels to myself. I want to protect her from the world. I want to protect her from me.
"We didn't move to LA because we wanted a change." my mother continues. "We moved there because of her." my heart drops.
Candice sighs. "But of course you had to ruin everything. You fell for this girl when you shouldn't have. Made us a target by Fay's parents. You ruined our plan. Our saving. She was the weapon we needed. With her, we could have made strong deals. Deals that could have been a life changer for us. But we couldn't threaten them with Fay anymore." her last sentence is an angry whisper, her eyes spitting fire. "Because Fay had turned into your weakness, wich made it instantly ours too, because you were only a child. People started to threaten us that they would kill you and Ryan. At the age of fourteen, Ryan was old enough to take care of himself. We made him disappear. Told everybody, you included , that our eldest son had died. And years later, we disappeared ourself. Left Fay behind, because she put you and us, in danger." she grimaces when she meets my gaze. "And you had to ruin everything again!" she almost screams. "You came back here after a century, to have another chance with her. Your broken heart full of stupid hope to have her all to yourself for one last time. You knew you were in direct danger because of the people who never stopped watching us. Had their finger on the trigger if we'd just made one wrong move. And you made the wrong move, Mason." she sighs. "You couldn't have made a badder decision than to get back to Fay." Candice voice shakes a little when she looks at my father, his breathing is chopped, and the bleeding still hasn't stopped.
"So we abducted her." mum finally comes to an end. "To keep you out of trouble." her focus drifts to her husband again.
My voice is as cold as ice when I speak up. "And this was your greatest mistake, mother. Because with that, you've signed your death sentence."
Her head snaps to me, her eyes wide with fear. "What?!" she screeches. "It was all to prote-"
"You have tortured her." my voice sounds almost animalistic. Deep and dangerous. "You have cut into her skin. Marked her for life. Took something away from her, that belonged only to her!" my finger finds the trigger on the gun. "You haven taken a step too far. You have crossed the wrong path." I pull the trigger, knowing full well, that this once was my family. But Fay is my life, and they have taken a part of it away, so they'll have to die with the consequences.
Instead of brutal torture, I present them with a fast death.
It will be the last favor I have ever done for them.
The last favor anybody will ever do for them.

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