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( Stan's POV )

I didn't mean to say the things I did. I wanted Kyle to stay, but I needed him to stop yelling. I needed him to see from my point of view.

As the front door shut I heard keys fall. But I didn't move, I couldn't move. I heard the stairwell door shut and it was silent again. I slowly began walking to the door again, remembering how to walk again, and then ran out the door. I saw Kyles green hat leaving the lobby doors, I ran down the stairs and burst threw the lobby doors.

Fuck fuck fuck!!
I kept running, this time not even thinking about my beer. I needed Kyle.
I soon caught up to him and he just glared at me.
" Kyle! I'm so fucking sorry! Please don't leave, your all I have left! I love you so much, I'm so sorry!"
" Stan... get off, you don't need me, you want to need me. So I'll leave you to what you really need, your fucking booze." And with that, I was left crying in the street and Kyle jerked his hand out of mine and walked away. I just walked back to my apartment, I sobbed all the way back.

When I reached my floor I found a note.
Apartment 257
Dear Mr. Marsh and Mr. Brofloski.
We have received several complaints from the other residents regarding the noise you are creating at the hour.
We are asking you to leave and pay the rest of this months rent.
Noise complaint 3, your out.
Mr. Cartman

Shit. This was our 3rd notice and now I have no were to live. Tears began to fill my eyes again. The other two complaints was from Kyle fucking my brains out, the upstairs neighbor has kids and apparently they thought we were fighting. But this time we really were.

I began to pack Kyles things, then I saw a small bag that Kyle kept locked and away from me. I remember the day he found it...

( 4 Years ago )

" Stop!" Kyle ran up the hill and grabbed Stan's arm and he was about to jump off the tallest cliff in South Park.
Tears fell out of Kyles eyes.
" Stan! Hold on please!" Kyle began to drag Stan up from the hight he was wishing to plummet. He pulled him up and pulled Stan into the tightest hug he could ever imagine.
" Why! Why!" Kyle cried, he held Stan so tight so he wouldn't drift away.
Kyle grabbed Stan's arms and he wined.
As Kyle rolled up Stan's sleeves he saw the red deep lines that run down his wrists.
" why Stan..."
As they walked back to Kyles place, they found a blue bag with a lock on it.
" we'll put you blades in here Stan." Kyle demanded. Stan just nodded and kept walking.

Now that same Blue bag was in my hands...
I broke the lock and got lost in a trans...
One cut
Two cuts
Ten cuts
Not enough
Twenty cuts
Thirty cuts
Not enough

A loud knock on the door shocked me out of my trans. I looked at my arms and legs, they were both fully covered in long and deep cuts.
The blood poured out of my body.
" Stan!"  I heard a muffled voice outside the door.
It sounded like Wendy's?

I wrapped my arms and legs to the best of my ability and opened the door when I was fully clothed again.
"Stan! What happened? I saw Kyle and he said he wanted nothing to do with you!"
She pulled me into a hug, it took everything in me to not scream and cry due to the pain her was causing my bleeding body.
" We got in a fight... I'm sorry but I have stuff to do.I'll see you at school tomorrow..."
I shut the door and continued to pack kyles stuff, leaving the blue bag out.

I began writing a note and taped it to the bag.

Dear Kyle,

      I'm so sorry for last night, I love you so much and I understand if you don't love me anymore. Due to us getting three noise complaints were being evicted. I'm doing a final sweep of the house after school if you wanna come over, let me know if/what your missing and I'll return it to you.
Love, Stan Marsh

Tears began to fall as I closed the bag, leaving droplets on the bags outside.

My arms and legs have gone numb and I am to tired to pack my shit.
Might as well pack tomorrow and sleep now...

The sun shone brightly onto my face, I was hoping to be in a warm embrace but then remembered the day before.

As I stood up I felt my arms and legs cry in agony.
To deep.
I walked over to the dresser and found one of Kyle's hoodies I forgot to pack away, I wrapped it around my waist once I found a pair of sweatpants and a blue sweater.

I grabbed my bag and Kyle's stuff, I started my walk to school. Each stele I took made me want to cry out in pain, but I can't let anyone know, especially Kyle.

As the schools front came into view, I saw Kyle red hair step out of Marjorines and Kenny's truck.
They were chatting away, when I passed them they stopped talking.

Maybe it was cause I drank last night.
Maybe it's cause of the fight me and Kyle had.
Or maybe it's cause my eye bags are black and my pace was slow.

"Stan!" Kenny called me over, I just kept walking. I just needed to get to home room and I'll be able to sit and I'll be ok.
I'll be ok.

As I opened the school doors I felt my arms opening up.
To long.
I just need to get to the bathroom and wrap me arms again.

I gave Kyle's stuff to the teacher, asking him to give it to Kyle when he walked in.
He nodded and let me go to the bathroom.

I opened the door and locked it, as I unwrapped my arms the blood poured onto the floor.

I'll be ok.

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