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Now, "Can ghosts even have children?" You say? Well ofcouse they can!
Shown from studies, ghosts have a behavior we like to call 'nesting', like humans they will clean their current favorite ghost room where they're haunting, though unlike humans, they will not free roam at their current place their haunting, they'll also become protective of their favorite ghost room, exampled by the fact that they'll be 70% more likely to hunt you in their room and 0% to hunt you out of the room, they'll usually make a place to nest, usually with blankets and pillows, and we've found out an odd behavior with a select few of ghosts, like snakes they will stop eating just to protect their young, it doesn't seem to bother them too much though it might be bad for ghosts who tend to eat like normal everyday humans.
They'll usually nest when they're expecting a child or even have one, the nesting will usually end once the child reaches a certain stage in their life, usually it'll end by the time the child reaches preteenhood, it's highly unlikely to stop nesting in the middle of expectation, usually it end once the child ghost reaches childhood.

Children ghosts seem to like staying near their parental ghost, though why'd you like to know about ghost parents and their children? Nosey much?

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