A Realm of Ghosts

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Wondering again about ghost are we? Well this book has answers. 'Where do ghosts go when they don't have any business on earth?' researchers have been trying to find an answer to that question for the longest time, and we might have an answer.
After interviewing mostly neutral ghosts we've discovered that there is a realm that only ghosts can go to, a ghost has even called the place Anikoshirazu (ah-knee-koh-she-rah-zu) , this realm is mostly a mystery to us though from the interviews we've had Anikoshirazu is just like an infinite earth, people deliberately work ghost, kids decide to go to school, and there doesn't seem to be any crime. From what we hear, it's a ghostly heaven.
Though it seems that the population of ghosts at Anikoshirazu are usually neutral ghosts that are teens, adults, or elders, the other types of ghosts we've interviewed all said that they know about Anikoshirazu but aren't able to get there, some ghosts say they have unfinished business, and some say their soul isn't pure enough, it most likely depends on the ghost's situation.

Though, why would you want to know about where ghosts go after they die? What are you, a philosopher? Real clever Einstein.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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