Goodbye Apo...

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we got an angsty one today folks

trigger warnings for: blood, death, gore, and violence.

also no one is dead yet in this because I said so.


owen's pov

we all stared at the giant griever that blocked the way to the exit, the escape from this hell we'd lived in for two years. it was slowly approaching.

krow ran forward, arms flailing, ready to slit its throat, but I stopped it. "if you do that, we're all screwed." I hissed. I was pretty sure that krow could not take a giant griever by itself. do grievers even have throats? (no, but seriously do they?)

"Well, what do we do then?" rasbi asked. I opened my mouth to answer but was interrupted by a roar. we all turned to see the griever rushing towards us. "uh, maybe, I don't know, start running?!" I screamed as we took off running. I ran down a corridor and kept going, thinking the others were behind me. I only stopped when I reached a dead end. I turned around to see empty space. frick.

a scream rang out through the maze. that sounds familiar...


my eyes widen as I realized, slowly walking towards the scream, before breaking out into a run. I ran through the maze, my heart pounding and tears running down my cheeks. please be alive, please be alive, please-

I turn a corner and see apo on the ground, breathing. I let out a sigh of relief, but then noticed the griever right behind him, getting closer every second. I look back at apo. they hadn't noticed me yet, he was trying to get to his feet, but he must have broke his ankle because he kept falling to the floor as the griever came closer and closer. 

without a second thought, I ran over and grabbed Apo's hand. I ran, pulling apo up and behind me as the griever followed. "what the-" he started, then he realized what was happening and started to run behind me. we were running, but Apo's leg was slowing us down, and the griever would catch up any second.

as we ran around a corner, we were faced with a wall. dead end. I could hear the roars of the griever growing louder and by the look on Apo's face, they could too. I set apo on the ground against the wall to check their ankle. it was poking out at an odd angle, and Apo's pale face was covered in sweat from the pain. blood was coming out of their mouth, and whenever they took a breath they winced. my heart broke at the sight of my best friend like this, but we had to do something, or we'll both die.

I stood and turned back to where the griever was, drawing my bow. "Owen, what are you-" I cut him off. "take the supplies in my backpack," I said, placing my backpack next to him and strapping on my quiver. "use the sticks to make a crutch, and find the others. I'll hold it off." "Owen, you'll die! please, I can't lose you too!" he said, their voice cracking. "if I don't make it out, tell the others that I'm sorry." with that, I left.

only to immediately be thrown to the ground by the griever. I reached for my javelin and aimed it at the creature's underbelly. I threw it as hard as I could, but it didn't make a dent. backing away, I notched an arrow and aimed it at the griever's eye, but the griever knocked me down and sent my bow skidding down the corridor. I crawled towards it and reached out my arm, but the griever grabbed me and sent me flying into the wall. my head hit the stone and my vision went white for a split second, but that was all it need to corner me on the ground. it slashed its claws toward me, but I managed to move before its claws turned me to pieces. I wouldn't make it for long. as It readied to rip me to shreds, I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the pain, the darkness.

it never came.

a roar came from in front of me and then there was nothing. I slowly opened my eyes to see smoke all around me. just then, a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me up. I turned to see blue eyes behind black frames.


"Well, what are you waiting for? come on!" she said, dragging me behind her through the smoke. once we reached the other side, I was greeted by the body of the griever laying belly up and Kyle pulling arrows out of its stomach. "sorry, had to use your bow." he passed me my long bow, which I stared at in shock. "how in the world-" "apo came and found the rest of us after we all found each other, they told us what happened. me and Bek came to help. can't lose our leader now, can we?" I just stood there until Bek nudged me lightly to start walking after Kyle, who was heading down a corridor. 

we soon reached where we were before we all got separated, where there was what was hopefully the exit. I could see everyone there, including Apo, who was leaning on Magic's shoulder with his ankle wrapped in bandages. Rasbi turned and saw me, running towards me. "Owen!" she shrieked, wrapping their arms around my neck and hugging me tightly. I chuckled. "Rasbi, I can't breathe." "Oh, sorry." they stepped back, paused for a second, and slapped me on the arm. "what were you thinking, fighting the griever on your own? you could have died! your lucky Apo found us in time, or you probably would have." 

I opened my mouth to respond when Graecie cut me off. "look, the doors!" we all turned to the exit to see the doors slowly opening to a field of flowers, the sky opening up to reveal miles of grass. we all just stood there, until Oeca took the first couple of steps, stepping onto the dirt. he laughed, grabbing Mohwee's hand and pulling him behind him. everyone else soon followed, either looking around in awe or running around laughing. "we made it!" Squidney laughed, spinning around with Spidey, who looked... happy.

Rasbi turned to me, grinning. "we escaped." their expression suddenly dropped. "Owen your bleeding." 

I looked down at my side. my hand brushed against something wet and came back red. I just stared before it hit me.

I guess the griever didn't miss after all.


apo's pov

I spun around from where I was laying on the grass at the sound of Rasbi's scream. my heart stopped at the sight of Owen crumpled on the ground, his favourite green turtleneck turning a deep maroon from blood. I rushed over, ignoring the pain in my ankle. I kneeled next to him, putting his head in my lap. everyone rushed over, and graecie crouched next to me. She slowly peeled his sweater up from where the blood was coming from and I inhaled sharply. there was a huge gash on the side of Owen's stomach, that looked infected.

griever poison.

she reached out to stop the bleeding, but a hand stopped her. I looked to see Owen looking at her with a sad smile. "don't bother graecie. I'm done for." "no, we can still save you! we just escaped, you can't die now!" I cried hysterically. "it's okay apo. at least we saw the sun again. that's all I wanted." "no Owen, please hold on." rasbi said, voice shaking as she sat next to me. "we'll get you help, please just hold on." "you don't understand. I'm glad I died this way. I'm glad you made it out. we did it. now it's time for me to leave." tears sprung up in my eyes. it can't end like this, not this way. through my tears, I saw Owen close his eyes. "no, Owen, stay with me. stay with me please!"

"goodbye apo."

I could feel his heart stop beating. I grabbed his shoulders and shook him. "no, no, no! Owen, Owen wake up please I can't lose you!" 

my hand rested on my shoulder. I looked up to see Soup, tears in her eyes. "apo, he's gone. he's dead." "no, he can't be dead! he's strong, he'll make it!" "even owen cant survive griever poison apo." I looked back at Owen's body, tears falling faster now. I just sat there crying as they all tried to comfort me.

we stayed there for a long time.


welp, I'm crying now.

never knew I could cry from my own oneshot.


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