Apple Pie

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Owen loves Apple pie.

Apple Pie tastes of sweet granny smith, just ripe and ready for picking. It tastes of friendships, old and new.

Apple pie tastes of crisp ambrosia, in the middle of its season. It tastes of apples and oranges, all perfectly mixed with a hint of cinnamon and uncertainty.

Apple pie tastes of mushy honeycrisps, no longer sweet and delicious, but ruined and destroyed. It tastes of betrayal, of loneliness.

Apple pie tastes of rotten royal gala, long gone or so it seems. It tastes weird, and it feels like it's missing the key ingredients that make it whole.

Apo pie tastes no longer of apples and sugar, but of blood and tears. it tastes of broken friendships, and the longing feeling for what it once was.

Owen hates Apple pie.

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