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ok, this is somewhat confusing, so for context:

basically, the watchers or whatever wanted to cause chaos, so they sent Owen and graecie's dad (who survived the village burning down) into the clearing. what happens?

well, you have to read to find out :)

also Owen is 22 for the sake of this story.

tws for: blood, child abuse. 


owen's pov

I laid in my bed, trying to shut my brain off and go to sleep. but something was stopping me. it wasn't my usual insomnia, no. it was a memory, on the edge of my brain, just out of reach. 

As I sat there, a shout came from right outside. I jumped out of bed, still in my pyjamas. I grabbed my javelin and my shoes and ran outside, stopping when I reached the campfire. some of the other outsiders were there, clearly have just woken up.

A man in his mid-fifties was standing there, screaming gibberish. his brown hair had streaks of gray, and when he turned to me, his hazel eyes pierced me. my face paled as I remembered who this was.


he stared at me before his eyes dawned with recognition. he walked towards me, a smile on his face but his eyes filled with cold fury. "Owen! I missed you!" he frowned. "what are you doing in your pyjamas? I thought I taught you to always be prepared." his frown dropped, returning to his cold smile. "not important right now. how about we go make some food, catch up, have a father-son moment?"

I slowly backed away, my ears ringing. I could hear muffled voices, it was as if they were miles away instead of two feet from me. I started running, not stopping until I burst through my door, locked it, and slid down the wall, curling up into a ball in the corner. I shook with silent sobs, as the memory finally came to me.

"Dad, can we stop now?" a little boy croaked, blood dripping from his mouth. a man stood in front of him, wiping the blood of a spear. he looked up sharply, causing the boy to shut up and back up. "absolutely not. if you're going to be a little princess about a little blood, we will practice till you can block it." the man stood, walking over to the boy. "please Dad..." "No!" he shouted, slapping the boy. "you are not a weak little farmer boy. you will block my spear, and until you do, I will keep making you train." a girl around the age of eleven walked into the room, eyes widening as she took in the scene. "Dad!" she cried, rushing over to her little brother, whose eyes were currently fluttering closed. "what are you doing? I told you that this can't happen again or he could die!" the father opened his mouth to respond, but as the boy's eyes closed, the only thing he could hear was

"come on, stay with me Owen."

as I came to, I could hear someone whispering, and I could feel someone ruffling my hair. I opened my eyes. Apo was sitting next to me, talking to Rasbi and wrapping me in a tight hug. I noticed the tears running down my face, and I moved to wipe them off. Apo noticed and smiled softly, wiping them for me. "you ok Owen?" I just nodded, glancing at Rasbi. I noticed the door was open, barely hanging on to the hinges.

"did you break my door open?" 

Apo laughed. "well it was locked, and you weren't responding. blame Rasbi, she kicked it open." I turned to the other half-demon. "I hope you know, you're fixing it." they giggled, flexing their arms. "don't worry. I'm already so strong, it'll be a piece of cake." her face dropped, suddenly becoming serious. "now, care to explain why you were sobbing on the ground and were completely unresponsive?" I fidgeted, suddenly uncomfortable. Apo noticed and hugged me tighter, fluffing up my hair. "you don't have to talk about it now," they said, "but maybe later?" I nodded. "ok then. let's check on the others."

I walked out to see quite a scene. Graecie was finally here, and she was screaming at my dad with Soup and Oeca. Mohwee, Magic, and Ori were holding them back, but they all looked as if they wanted to let them go. my dad was lying on the ground, giant claw marks on his face. Krow was standing with a shaken Guts, and its claws were suspiciously covered in blood. 

Graecie looked over and saw me, her face lighting up. "hey!" she called walking over, Ori trailing behind her. "what happened here?" Rasbi asked, staring at the sight in front of us. "Oh, your dad tried to attack Guts and Krow attacked him. we barely stopped it from slitting his throat. then Graecie came and started screaming at him. She told us about what he did to you, and then Soup started cussing him out and Oeca started throwing knives at him so yeah that happened." the two half-demons turned to me, confused. "what does he mean by, 'What he did to you'?" apo asked. I sighed. "let's just say, he wasn't exactly father of the year for me." "oh, let me at him." Rasbi said, rolling up her sleeves and starting towards him. "Rasbi no!" Apo screamed, dragging me after him.

a flash of white appeared just as Rasbi reached him, and he disappeared. Mohwee let go of Oeca, who immediately fell on the grass. a voice echoed through the clearing. "we have taken Mister Keldor out of the clearing for medical attention. do not worry, he will live." a couple of groans sounded from the outsiders. "we will be back." there was silence, then they spoke again. "I told you it was a bad idea, Dave! now our general is nearly dead!" we could hear muttering, then they said, "Ah sh*t the mic's on." static rang out for a split second, and then there was silence.

I started laughing hysterically, I couldn't stop. the laughs eventually turned to sobs, and I fell to my knees. as I cried, I could feel arms pulling me into a hug. I looked up in surprise to see Krow, looking very awkward. "um, you seemed upset so... Apo help I cant comfort people!" it called. Apo laughed and joined in on the hug. the others soon joined, laughing and arguing. I smiled through my tears.

I love my family.


that ending was so rushed my goodness-

this entire thing is on crack oh well


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