I Guess A Part Of Me Likes To Sit With You

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this is kinda a highschool au, its definitely not in the maze but the timeline kind of got thrown out the window halfway through so you get this take it or leave it


Squidney kicked her legs over the edge of the balcony as light spilled through the doors behind her, along with the loud chatter and screams of laughter. Rasbi probably succeeded in dumping ice on Owen's head. Squidney snickered to herself at the thought.

"What's so funny?" She turned her head slightly, catching a glimpse of cracked goggles out of the corner of her eye. "Not a party fan?" "You know, people always think I am for some reason. It makes no sense, since I've probably been to one party my whole life. And it's probably this one." "Not even a birthday party? That's kinda sad dude." "Shut up." Squidney chuckled as Mohwee lightly punched her in the shoulder.

"Why are you out here? I would have thought you would be with Spidey." Squidney stared at the sky. "I don't know. I would be, usually, but... the stars are nice tonight aren't they?" Mohwee stared at her. "I'll be honest, I have no clue what you're talking about."

Squidney laughed, pointing up at the sky. "See that one right there? The little bright one?" Mohwee squinted, pulling his goggles off his head and shaking his hair out his face and that should not be that attractive keep it together Squidney- "Yeah, I think I see it."

"That's a part of the Little Dipper. It's usually really faint, but since it's clearer out tonight it's a lot more visible. And that one right there," She pointed to another one. "That one is Cepheus. It's right between the Little Dipper and the Big Dipper, yet for some reason, nobody really pays attention to it." She sighed. "It's kind of sad really. It's my favourite." "Yeah. It is really pretty." Mohwee mumbled. "Almost as much as you." He added under his breath.

"Did you say something?" "Hm? No." "Oookay..."

They sat like that for a while, listening to the cheers of their friends and enjoying each other's company. As the clock hit 11:55, Spidey slammed the door to the balcony open.

"Guys, you're missing the countdown! Are you coming or not?" "Yeah, Hold on." Mohwee grabbed his goggles, pausing when Squidney grabbed his arm. "Spidey... can you give us a minute?" "Yeah, of course..." Spidey's eyes widened, and she grinned mischievously as she gently closed the door behind her.

That little shit would be the death of her.

"Sooo... you wanted to talk?" Squidney shook her head to clear her thoughts. She glanced up and oh gods why was he so pretty that should be illegal-

"I um," The brunette cleared her throat. "I was just going... to ask you a question." "Yes...?" He teased, and creator how she wanted to kiss that stupid smirk off his face.

"I was wondering... what would happen if, hypothetically, I kissed you. Right now." Mohwee froze, blood immediately rushing to his face. "Well," He cleared his throat. "If you did, hypothetically, I would... kiss you back. Hypothetically, of course." Squidney's heart nearly burst from her chest.

A crash behind the door made Squidney whip her head around. "Are you fuckers coming or not, because I swear to every god I don't believe in-" "Oeca! Shut up!" It took a moment before the footsteps disappeared, and when Squidney looked back, Mohwee was staring right at her. Specifically, at her lips. If Squidney's heart went any faster, it would probably run itself right out of her chest.

"Mohwee..." She could faintly hear cheers behind through the closed doors behind them. She took a careful step towards him, sliding off the banister as she walked forward until there was barely an inch between them. When she was up this close, she could see the freckles scattered across his nose, the mole right next to his bottom lip, the way his ears flushed at their close proximity.


Screw it, she thought as she grabbed him by his shirt collar, pulling him down to her level so their lips could meet.

It wasn't like she thought it would be. His lips tasted oddly like vanilla, chapped and dry against her own. It still sent butterflies into her stomach however, her heart fluttering in her chest. When she pulled back, Mohwee stood there motionless, almost in shock. His face was flushed, The Tips of his ears light pink. Squidney's heart dropped. fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck-

"I am so sorry, I should not have done that-" "Squids-" "I should have asked what was I thinking-" "Squidney-" "Let's just forget about this I'm so sorry-" "Squidney!" Squidney paused her rambling and watched as Mohwee's face broke out in a grin, the same exact one she fell in love with. "Fuck, Squidney, don't apologize." Her heart practically flew as Mohwee pulled her closer for another kiss.

It was almost better than the first, Squidney tangling her hands through his messy black curls that she had been itching to run her hands through. Mohwee wrapped his arms around his waist, almost picking her up off the ground. It was almost as if the stars gave her their consent, because when she pulled back for a moment, dizzy from both lack of oxygen and the thrill running through her veins, they looked as though they were brighter than before.

Of course, that was when the door flew open.

"You missed the countdown! You absolute-" Oeca paused in his ramble, finally taking in the scene in front of him. "Am... am I interrupting something?" "Yes." "A little bit." Spidey ran in After The Teenager. "I am so sorry, I tried to Stop him!" Spidey grabbed him by the shoulders, steering him towards the door. Her sister smiled, mouthing 'good job' before slamming the door.

Mohwee buried his head in his hands. "I am... so sorry." "It's okay Mohwee." She giggled, pecking him on the cheek. She loved the way he got all flustered. "I don't think anything could ruin This for me."

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